Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pool and Popple Professional...

The last few days, with the weather so warm, we have spent lots of time playing in the pool and water table, and eating popsicles! Rowan climbs in and out of the pool (with and occassional face plant), walks from the pool to the watertable (only a few feet apart), and eats popples all by herself (only gagging herself with the stick once or twice).

Friday, June 26, 2009

New Stroller...

Rowan got a stroller from Gail next door, another perfect rummage sale buy. I would have bought her one from the store probably for full price, but Gail found this one in perfect shape for 2$. I never thought I would be a fan of rummage purchases, but I definitely am, but very selectively! Thanks again Gail!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Road Trip...

Rowan and I took a trip to Lyndon Station to visit Grandma and Grandpa Bremberger for an overnight. Just so happened it was Grandma Pam's birthday too, so we got to see her for a special occassion as well.

We arrived Tuesday late morning, had some lunch, went and shopped at the outlet mall a little bit, then home for a little nap, and out for dinner. Then Wednesday, Great Grandma Elaine came over to visit, bearing gifts of course. She had brought Rowan a birthday gift (she and Ron can't make it to Rowan's bday party), and Grandma Pam a birthday gift as well. Then after lunch when Rowan was ready for a nap, we headed home. Rowan did very well in the car, she slept 90% of the trip thanks to leaving at nap times!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Buddy Maison...

Neighbor boy Maison stopped by before a birthday party to show off his styled hair-do, super cute. But very high maintenance for a little boy. He loves the baby, aka Rowan!

Swimming Girl...

Saturday morning, Rowan tried out Tula's swimming pool. I would have to say, it is now Rowan's pool. The dogs really didn't have any interest in it, other than an occassional drink. Rowan had fun in the pool. She even crawled out of it herself without face planting in the grass. She went between the watertable and her pool.

Happy 1st Father's Day Daddy!!

You are the best Daddy in the whole wide world! I Love You! ~Rowan

Friday, June 19, 2009

Fingerpainting for Daddy...

Rowan had her 2nd try at fingerpainting today. We made a card for daddy for Father's Day. We decided to do it outside to eliminate any messes on the floor. We were pushing timing with the rain, but we successfully made a few masterpieces. She was much happier this time than the last time, when she and dad made my Mother's day card. Super Cute!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Birthday practice...

Rowan had her first trial run with cake eating tonight. She enjoyed it, but boy was she a mess. She had a bath immediately afterwards. We have learned that she will not eat it in her high chair next time, too much of a chore to clean up!

Go Pirates...

Today, Rowan and I went to Uncle Mitch's baseball game. It was a very nice day for a game. The game was at WCTC, so the wind was nice up on the hill. It would have been too hot if it wasn't for the breeze. Like a good mother, I lubed Rowan up with sunscreen, but not myself, and managed to come home with a burnt back. Mitch's team won 14-13, so it was a good game to attend. it is difficult to pay attention when chasing an 11 month old around. But she had fun!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Watertable Round 2...

After napping in the afternoon, Maison came over to play with Rowan and the watertable. They were both soaked. This was Rowan's 3rd or 4th outfit of the day. Between water, and eating, and full diapers, a girl needs many options apparently. Good thing we have plenty of options.

Finally, a Summer Sunday...

Rowan did some serious playing with the watertable today. Good thing we wore this swimsuit, it is already a bit snug, so much for 12 month swimsuits!

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Babysitter...

My good friend Lisa (whom I also work with), has agreed to watching Rowan one day a week. So today was Rowan's first day going to Lisa's house. Lisa has 2 kids of her own, Maya (3), and Mason (almost 2). So Rowan has some friends to play with too.

Of course, as a first time mom, I was nervous for Rowan on her first day. I am glad that it is Ed dropping her off in the morning, and then I pick her up when I wake up. But luckily, Lisa loved her. She said that Rowan was perfect. She ate good, slept good and played good too. Lisa also said, if her kids were as good as Rowan at that age, she would have had 10 kids. Not sure I agree, but she is darn cute.

Anyway, we all survived the first day at Lisa's, I hope she continues to be good for Lisa! Here is a picture of Rowan and Mason, Maya was still napping when I picked Rowan up!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sharing Popples...

Maison was visiting, and enjoying his almost daily popsicle, and he even shared it with Rowan!
Nosey little people!

11 Months Old/Daddy's Birthday...

It is next to impossible to get Rowan to sit still for pictures anymore. Not only is sitting still the issue, keeping the bow on her head is also a battle. So here are a few pictures of the battle I chose to fight this month. Next month, I am finally going to take her in and have someone else take her picture. Depending on how that goes, will depend on what we do in the future.
Happy Birthday Daddy!

For Ed's 27th birthday, he worked, and then we went out for a nice steak dinner. That was about the extent of it. He received new irons (a combined gift from a few of us!) and a new golf bag. Which of course he didn't wait until June 10th to use, so he had nothing to open today other than a card!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Giant water dish...

Rowan's water table has turned into the water dish for all dogs in the area! Good thing she is a good sharer!

Rowan frequently crawls around with things hanging out of her mouth!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

1st Popsicle...

Rowan had her 1st popsicle this week. It was warm enough to put her outside naked and let her eat it at her own will. She was a little hesitant at first, but she loved it. She kept trying to put the stick end in her mouth, but realized it didn't taste as good as the other end.

We actually don't call them popsicles around here, they are popples. Maison, from next door, will come over and ask for a popple, and Sue always sends him home with one. I have been suckered in too. So they are now popples, not popsicles!

A bath was very necessary as soon as she was done!