Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day...

Despite the fact that I had to work this weekend, I enjoyed my 1st Mother's Day! Rowan didn't enjoy it as much though!

Saturday she had a very crabby day. She felt warm, but had no fever. She hardly ate at all, she was very whiny. Napped for crap, etc, etc.... Then Sunday, we went out for brunch, and she was a beast again. Didn't want to eat anything, was whiny (granted we did sort of skip nap time), but she still wasn't herself. She ended up falling asleep on my lap at the restaurant, which is something that never happens. She felt warm again, and of course when we got home, her temperature was 102.4. So after a dose of Ibuprofen, and a nap, she was back to a normal temperature. And she was acting a bit better also. I felt bad for her, she clearly was either fighting something off, or she has some more teeth on the way.

Saturday night, Rowan hung out with Daddy and Uncle Dusty. She finger painted for me for Mother's Day. The pictures show just how yucky she was feeling. But the finished product was cute!

We had a busy few days trying to see all our mother's for their special day. Thursday night, Rowan and I had dinner with the Knutson's. Saturday we went to Karen's for lunch with the Bremberger/Blodgett's, and then Sunday we had brunch with the Smith's.

The play time is over, back to packing!

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