Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day...

Memorial Day was rather laid back for us. I worked on Sunday night, so I slept part of the day, then we grilled out with the neighbors. Ed smoked some ribs, and made rotisserie chicken, and corn on the cob, it was delicious. Then we played some games when it got later.

Maison is the little boy that lives next door. He is about 1 1/2, and super cute. He is Rowan's new friend. He loves to see the baby, and Rowan just watches his every move. Rowan kept taking his nuk out of his mouth, and then she would give it back, she might have popped in her mouth too, not sure! They are good sharers.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lake Geneva...

Today we were invited to Lake Geneva to meet and visit with our soon-to-be sister-in-laws family. Julie's family has a lovely house very near Lake Geneva, and a wonderful boat on the lake. We just went for a couple hours as I had to work at 7pm, we didn't even stay late enough to enjoy Dusty's cooking. Oh well.

Rowan met Julie's niece and nephew, and played with some of their toys. Ed helped Dusty, Bobby, and Tommy hang a swing from a massive tree for the kids. Otherwise we just visited, had a few snacks, took a short boat ride, and then came home.

The Move...

Yesterday we moved out of our home and in with Ed and Sue (Ed's parents). Our house sold within 2 months, which was faster than we had been expecting. Though don't get me wrong, we are happy about it, we just don't quite have our ducks in a row to be buying our own house quite yet. We would like to wait until Ed has a stable full time job, so that we can buy a house that we really like, on two full time incomes versus just one. Luckily, Ed and Sue were gracious enough to let us move in with them until that happens, which we are all hoping happens sooner than later.

As far as the actual moving went, it took longer than we were predicting. I had 95% of the house packed up, and we had 60% of the POD filled, we just had big things left and last minute things to pack up. But it amounted to more work than we had planned. We had Crystal and Garrett lined up to help originally, but Garrett ended up working overtime, so we lost most of our muscle strength, so Ed II came to bail us out at the last minute. And Crystal still came, which was a ton of help. Needless to say, through the rain, and 2 trips with the Penske truck, by 4pm we had everything moved. And throughout the following week we went back to clean last minute things up and get last minute things from the garage.

Sorry no pictures, too busy working like a horse.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Zoo...

Yesterday, Rowan and I were lucky enough to go to the zoo with Andrea and Breyson. It was last minute planning on my part. I ended up getting cancelled from 11pm-7am on Tuesday night, so Wednesday morning at 6am when Rowan was awake, I texted Andrea to see if she had any plans. I thought for sure their day would be booked, because it was Breyson's 1st Birthday. But they didn't, and she had actually wanted to go to the zoo too, so it worked out perfect.

We were at the zoo by 1030am, and it was packed of course. Imagine that, when it is 80 degrees outside. We had lunch and enjoyed the zoo, went on the train, shopped in the gift shop, and then headed home, just in time for a nap.

Happy 1st Birthday Breyson!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Congratulations Edward WD Smith III...

We are so proud of you Ed!
Megan, Rowan, and Gizmo

Ed graduated yesterday, in the 100th ceremony held for UW-Milwaukee. This was the largest graduating class for UWM, ever. They had to hold 2 separate ceremonies in order to accommodate all graduates. Graduation was held at the US Cellular Arena, and was about 2 hours long (not including how early we had to arrive to get a seat!) It honestly wasn't that bad, and Rowan was very well behaved. She fell asleep for about 30 minutes, and was otherwise occupied by the other people, or goldfish, etc...

Finally, one less thing for us to schedule our lives around. Until he goes back for his Masters anyway. We are still working on that secure full time job for Ed, but it will come. Everything will work out in the end!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cutie Pie...

Just a few pictures of the cutest girl around being a goof ball!

Last weekend...

Last weekend we had lunch at Karen and Doug's house because Great Grandma and Grandpa were in town for Mother's Day. This was the day she was super crabby, didn't eat well, and didn't nap well either. Surprised she actually smiled at all!

Here are a few pictures...

Loves Newspaper...

Rowan loves to help me pack, actually she just loves the newspaper. It really has nothing to do with helping, nor packing.
But packing is coming along. We only have a week and a half to get the rest of the house packed up. I can't believe our moving date is creeping up on us so quickly, feels like yesterday the For Sale sign went up in the yard!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

10 Months Old...

Rowan is now 10 Months old, hard to believe. My little baby is growing up! She is so much fun right now though, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Currently, she has 5 teeth. She crawls very fast, stands up to anything and everything. She has started to do a lot of screaming, for fun. She growls, she smacks her lips, she mocks just about anthing you do. Oh, and she waves too. That is her newest thing. I plan to try to get these adorable things on video very soon. Things have been a bit busy around here! And she doesn't help! Here are a few pictures of the ham and her scrunched up nose, you can see her teeth really well though!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Feeling better...

Rowan was feeling, acting, and eating much better today. Amidst my packing and going through things, I finally brought up the rest of Rowan's toys from the basement that have just been stuck there since our last open house, or showing, or whatever we had to clean the house for. So she was playing hard with her long lost toys. I had her Baby Signing Time DVD on too, she was too cute watching television and playing with her toys. It allowed me to get some packing done, and dinner made!

Happy Mother's Day...

Despite the fact that I had to work this weekend, I enjoyed my 1st Mother's Day! Rowan didn't enjoy it as much though!

Saturday she had a very crabby day. She felt warm, but had no fever. She hardly ate at all, she was very whiny. Napped for crap, etc, etc.... Then Sunday, we went out for brunch, and she was a beast again. Didn't want to eat anything, was whiny (granted we did sort of skip nap time), but she still wasn't herself. She ended up falling asleep on my lap at the restaurant, which is something that never happens. She felt warm again, and of course when we got home, her temperature was 102.4. So after a dose of Ibuprofen, and a nap, she was back to a normal temperature. And she was acting a bit better also. I felt bad for her, she clearly was either fighting something off, or she has some more teeth on the way.

Saturday night, Rowan hung out with Daddy and Uncle Dusty. She finger painted for me for Mother's Day. The pictures show just how yucky she was feeling. But the finished product was cute!

We had a busy few days trying to see all our mother's for their special day. Thursday night, Rowan and I had dinner with the Knutson's. Saturday we went to Karen's for lunch with the Bremberger/Blodgett's, and then Sunday we had brunch with the Smith's.

The play time is over, back to packing!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Another Sunny Day...finally!

It was so nice to get Rowan outside again today to play with her water table. She had a blast! She even started crawling around the yard, though she wasn't too crazy about it. She also decided to give grass a taste, not so tasty!
I haven't taken a picture of her little piggies in forever, it is hard to get them to sit still! Wet and wrinkled in this picture!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


You would never know she has an owie from these pictures. But she was sitting on my lap while I was finishing up dinner tonight, and grabbed my soda can when I was about to take a drink, and she cut her finger on the lip of it. Nothing major, but she wouldn't let me hold pressure on it, so we had to put a bandaid on it, and of course she kept trying to eat that and take it off, so we put a sock over her hand. Surprisingly it worked.
Then we went for a walk. She was happy on the walk as you can see!

It's Official...

Yes, it is true....

We have an accepted offer on the house, we have had the inspection, and our closing date is May 28th. We now have to pack and move in less than a month!

Our plan is to temporarily live with Ed's parents until we find a house. But we aren't looking for a house until Ed finds a job. He graduates officially in two weeks, so we are hoping something will come through by then. We will see. We both dislike the feeling of uncertainty in our lives right now, so we are hoping that ends very soon.