Monday, February 25, 2008

Our Weekend...(20 2/7 weeks)

Well the first order of business, we made it to the half way mark on Saturday, 20 weeks, yahoo!! And things seem to be coming together in the nursery, we can actually call it that now as it semi-resembles one finally. I don't have a picture of the finished product because it isn't truly finished in my eyes, but getting close. So I have a few pictures of pieces in the nursery.

Saturday afternoon I was able to get Ed to go register for baby stuff. It was fun in the beginning, but then Ed got hungry and bored and that is when it started turning sour. So it was a little rushed near the end, so I had to go back on Sunday and clean up a few loose ends. But we started out at USA baby, because there were a few specific things we wanted there which is why the list is rather short, and then ended up at Babies R Us where the list seems endless. But I guess I didn't realize the things we could need. And it wasn't that easy finding things in neutral, at least that we liked, maybe we are a bit picky? But that is all done with for now.

Then on Sunday, which was supposed to be our day of rest and studying for Ed, ended up being a rather hectic one altogether. Ed worked in the morning while I went back to Babies R Us. Tried to get there shortly after it opened to beat the rush, but there must have been a line at the door waiting for them to open because it was packed 30 minutes after they opened. So then when I got home Ed was doing some research of his own online for an elliptical machine. We decided on Saturday that we would like to invest in an elliptical and after all the money we put into a workout facility we have to travel too, we would save money in the end just buying one of our own. So we ended up going to 2nd Wind on Sunday afternoon to price ellipticals and who would have thought we would have bought one the same day. And had it delivered last night and ready to go by 7pm. But the purchase of the elliptical snowballed our entire day. We had to then come home and clean a spot in the basement to put it, which turned into cleaning the basement essentially because one pile led to another. And of course we were both crabby while we were doing it because we weren't planning on doing it. But it got done, and it will work great. So now we have a TV down there too. Stay tuned to watch the pounds start pouring off! (Right now just off of Ed, but after the baby is born, me too!)

And this is a random picture that was on my camera from a week or two ago. Showing off my own personal Emeril aka Ed in the kitchen. He decided to use his artistic abilities when making salads one night with dinner. Who ever would have thought?

Saturday, February 16, 2008

19 weeks...

About the only excitement I have to share today is we have made it to 19 weeks. Almost half way done! Not that I am trying to rush it, but I am ready to feel real baby movement, and look pregnant, not fat! Not to mention I am sort of between wardrobes, meaning, the regular pants are a bit snug, and the maternity pants are too big.

My mom was in town last night, so she and I took a trip to the maternity store (Destination Maternity). I spent some birthday money and also some of my mom's on some super cute maternity items. A few long sleeve items to get me through the rest of this winter and spring and a few spring/summer items to look forward to the warmth that I hope is to come. We also had dinner last night with Karen and Doug, my mom, Ed and I for Karen's Birthday, which is today! Happy Birthday Karen!

Otherwise it is a standard working weekend in our household. Ed is currently working, and I will be heading to work tonight for the next 3 nights! Yipee. And of course, there is more snow projected for tomorrow, should be interesting.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Ultrasound...(18 2/7 weeks)

And the verdict is in.....It's A....just kidding, sorry to get anyone's hopes up. We had our ultrasound today where we could have found out the sex of our baby, but we chose not to find out! We didn't even change our minds at the last minute. The appointment went well, my blood pressure is good. Like Molly said, I am leaving out my weight gain already, we will leave it at I am gaining weight, so far within normal limits overall. The ultrasound was lots of fun. Finally we have proof that there really is something inside growing. The baby was difficult at first and was positioned in a ball and not willing to move much for the ultrasound tech. So she had me drink some juice to see if we could get the baby to stretch out a bit, and it worked. The ultrasound tech got to see all she wanted to see, and we got a few profile pictures of the little person. All measurements are consistent with my gestation, so the due date hasn't changed. The heartrate was 138 during the ultrasound. We saw 2 arms and 2 legs, and at least 5 toes on one foot. So that is our fun news for today. Here is a picture of one of the ultrasound pictures, isn't the best visual but we don't have a scanner.
On another note, last night we ventured through our Deceptively Delicious cookbook and made Sloppy Joe's. They are by far the best thing we have made out of the cookbook yet. This recipe had red pepper puree and sweet potato puree in it. Ed doesn't like sweet potatoes and he didn't even taste them. So it really does work. So now in the freezer we have cauliflower, sweet potato and carrot puree ready to use.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Crib...

Well, I finally decided to go ahead and order a crib. I have been rather indecisive on what to spend on a crib, and where to get it from as well. There really isn't a ton to choose from in dark stains or espresso which is the finish we like. So finally tonight we went ahead and ordered a crib, yahoo!! Just have to wait a week or two for it to come in. I think we will be happy with it physically and finacially in the end. Can't wait to get the room together. We have also decided to re-stain a wood dresser of Ed's that we had in the basement instead of buying something new. Going to find a darker stain and possibly new handles as well, currently they are wooden. Another project to keep Ed busy. As much as he complains, I think he likes the projects!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

No way, More Snow...

I believe it has been snowing for 28+ hours now. Is it ever going to end? Ed even had school cancelled. So him and Gizmo were out playing in it a bit today after snowblowing how ever many inches are out there, 12-14 inches? Too many.
This is what Gizmo looks like when he comes in from romping around in the snow. The snow flakes turn into icicles.

Gizmo's Valentine's Day Grooming...

Gizmo got groomed this last week and came home sporting a Valentine's Day bandana, Ed's favorite. He is still cute though, even though the bandana is a bit girly.