Sunday, July 8, 2007

Farley Family Reunion...

So we have returned from our weekend trip to Cedar Rapids, IA for the Farley Family Reunion. This was the first time Sue has seen her cousins, aunts/uncles in about 15 years.

Eddie is pictured with 2nd cousins, Dave and Don.

We arrived on friday afternoon at the Marriott and enjoyed reminiscing with fellow cousins, second cousins, aunts and uncles and of course Carol and Dick. Sue took the time to collaborate pictures from years ago of various family members for all to enjoy.

We ordered out the infamous Happy Joe's pizza for a late dinner after grazing the Smith's Wisconsin food favorites such as cheese curds, puppy chow, string cheese, sausage sticks, bruschetta, and Sprecher root beer.

Saturday started with a buffet breakfast at the Marriot and continued with a visit to Ellis Park, where we enjoyed the sun and heat in addition to horseshoes, croquet, frisbee, more food and the city pool. Eddie, Ed and Dusty enjoyed a steamy round of 9 holes at a local golf course. And for the first time, Eddie beat Dusty!!

Saturday night we enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Biaggi's; an Italian restaurant in CR. We had probably a 7 course meal by the time we had drinks, appetizers, salad, more drinks, main course, dessert, and more drinks.

Following dinner we returned to the hotel and enjoyed more reminiscing, cards and a few more drinks. Well at least that is how it went for Ed and I and Dusty and Julie. Bed time came a bit sooner saturday night due to a late friday night and too much sun.

Overall the weekend was great and wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for Sue. Thanks to her, the Farley family will have some wonderful memories.

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