Sunday, July 22, 2007

Televisions are not cheap...

Our weekend off turned out to be rather uneventful but not cheap. On friday when I was home and Ed was at work (for a change), the tv was on and I was busy on the laptop and next thing I know I hear a sizzling noise (thought it was Gizmo getting into something) turns out I later notice the tv is off. So I went over to the television to notice the scent of something burning, Gizmo noticed too. Tried to turn it on and no such luck. So when Ed called on his way home from work I had to break the news to him that the tv was no longer working. Therefore this weekend we were in the market for a new television. I had to work friday night and Ed went to the Brewers game, then saturday Ed had a bachelor party for friend Nick from work, which left the television shopping for today.

So this morning, we looked through the sunday ads, after researching on the internet, and analyzing our funds to decide what we could afford and what we were looking for in a television. The excursion was not a short one today. We ended up with a 42 inch Westinghouse LCD Widescreen with HDTV. So by the time we picked it out, got it in the truck, and got it home. It was time to take our cable box and head back the same direction but further to Time Warner Cable to exchange our cable box for HD capabilities. Needless to say we did not make it home before the Brewers game started, which was Ed's goal, but tonight it isn't as quiet as it has been without a tv the last two days.
Otherwise all is well here in the Smith household. Our molding still sits un-stained, maybe tomorrow? No big plans this week, work and school. And back to work next weekend.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Weekly Update...

Well, our last weekend was rather uneventful. Both of us worked the whole weekend which didn't leave much time for play. This week has been a few busy days off for me though. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday repainting our bedroom. Since our room was red, it took a coat of primer and two coats of the new color to cover. Bought a new comforter set also. And decided to rearrange the bedroom, not much you can do with a King sized bed in a small bedroom, but it is new for us. Now the room is more of a neutral color so that when it comes time to move some day we won't have issues with a red bedroom. Apparently red isn't a color most people choose?
Otherwise Ed and I attended the Brewers game yesterday against the Arizona Diamondbacks, Brewers spanked them. Then we attended the Waukesha County Fair to watch the family show their pigs. It was a smelly affair. Then tonight it is back to work for me. Then finally a free weekend. Hope this finds all doing well.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Farley Family Reunion...

So we have returned from our weekend trip to Cedar Rapids, IA for the Farley Family Reunion. This was the first time Sue has seen her cousins, aunts/uncles in about 15 years.

Eddie is pictured with 2nd cousins, Dave and Don.

We arrived on friday afternoon at the Marriott and enjoyed reminiscing with fellow cousins, second cousins, aunts and uncles and of course Carol and Dick. Sue took the time to collaborate pictures from years ago of various family members for all to enjoy.

We ordered out the infamous Happy Joe's pizza for a late dinner after grazing the Smith's Wisconsin food favorites such as cheese curds, puppy chow, string cheese, sausage sticks, bruschetta, and Sprecher root beer.

Saturday started with a buffet breakfast at the Marriot and continued with a visit to Ellis Park, where we enjoyed the sun and heat in addition to horseshoes, croquet, frisbee, more food and the city pool. Eddie, Ed and Dusty enjoyed a steamy round of 9 holes at a local golf course. And for the first time, Eddie beat Dusty!!

Saturday night we enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Biaggi's; an Italian restaurant in CR. We had probably a 7 course meal by the time we had drinks, appetizers, salad, more drinks, main course, dessert, and more drinks.

Following dinner we returned to the hotel and enjoyed more reminiscing, cards and a few more drinks. Well at least that is how it went for Ed and I and Dusty and Julie. Bed time came a bit sooner saturday night due to a late friday night and too much sun.

Overall the weekend was great and wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for Sue. Thanks to her, the Farley family will have some wonderful memories.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Summer House Update....

Well, our biggest project in the house this summer so far has been replacing all the windows. This front window ended up being the biggest chore of them all. This picture is with the new sashes after the broken one was replaced, long story, Ed doesn't like to talk about it.

Next summer we might work on the landscaping on this side of the house. You are supposed to be focusing on the new windows in this picture.

Another project that was earlier in the summer was vinyl siding on the back of the house. For those of you who don't remember what it used to be it was brick red wood.

Inside the house, we finally hung our wedding pictures on the wall. Only took us 10 months to get those off the counter.

They seem to collect less dust hanging on the wall then laying on the kitchen table. Good thing we have an island or we would have no where to eat.

Lastly, we had new carpet installed in the family room, as you can see, Gizmo is a big fan!

Our outstanding projects include, hanging new molding around all the new windows inside. So we have days of staining ahead of us. I wouldn't be surprised if a new roof is in the future also, so everyone keep their schedules open, we'll find a shady spot for Blayne. That's all for now!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Amanda graduates from high school.....

Back on June 8th, Amanda walked the stage for high school graduation. Hard to believe she is almost 18 and heading to college. After too many hours of 'riding the pine', the ceremony was over. Congratulations Amanda, only a few more years of school until you can do what you like. We are proud of you!

Soon thereafter on June 23, we celebrated with a party. The festivities began with sun, hoers devours, washers, and bean bag toss. Then came dinner, music and Bon fire. I might have left out the dancing, inquiring minds would like to know.

Cousins Nicholas and Adam were in town to visit, they too graduated this year!

Brewers Outing

On June 27, 2007 we attended the Brewers vs. Astros game with a bunch of Knutson family. Uncle Tim and family were home for the first time in 5 years so we had to make sure he experienced Miller Park Knutson style. We tailgated, it was hot, then it poured rain for 10 minutes, we all got soaked, then it got humid again. Rain meant the roof was closed which lead to a warm climate in Miller Park as well. All in all, Brewers won, and we all had a blast.