Friday, June 30, 2023

It's Show week

Row, Eddie and I were on the road Sunday morning by 10am - heading to Bloomington for a week of hockey with Team East Coast. Started Sunday evening with a practice in Richfield. 

Then Monday morning - we started with media day prior to our first games. 
Monday - we won against Ontario and lost to West
Tuesday we won against Minnesota
Wednesday we won against Manitoba
And Thursday we lost in overtime and then a shootout to Great Plains to make it to the Championship on Friday morning. 
During the week we found time to do Black light mini golf at the Mall of America.
Had some Cold Stone ice cream - went swimming, played soccer...
Eddie was on the leader board for points - was player of the Game one game with a goal and assist. 
He played wing all week. Had a picture of his celebration on day one by youth hockey hub. 
It was a great week of good hockey, Eddie made many new friends that will last forever. He fit in skill wise great - and was challenged. Was great to see MJA friends on team USA during the week - and even a MN friend from Great Plains. 

Saturday, June 24, 2023

KY here we come

We are on the road again this weekend - heading to Elizabethtown KY for a Ripken tournament for Eddie's Jr Laser baseball team. We left Thursday morning - I worked from the 3rd row - while Eddie rode shotgun with Ed. We stopped at Fair Oaks on the way down - checked into the hotel, then got some lunch, checked out the field we would be playing at next day. 
We were able to check out some Mini Golf and fun in the heat on Friday, got lunch out (huge fish sandwich), had a team practice, played bags, ordered pizza, went swimming, busy busy. 
Saturday Morning - I drove to Louisville to have breakfast with 3 of my teammates from Humana, Tina, Whitney and Laura. Then headed back for games in the afternoon. 
We played late in the day on Saturday, two games. We won one game and lost one game. 
We have to be in MN for hockey at 4pm on Sunday, so we decided to head home after the second game at 830pm - so we could drive to MN Sunday morning. We were glad we decided to do that, because the Sunday am game got cancelled due to storms in KY. 
It was a short and fun weekend with the baseball team - fun experience at the Elizabethtown fields. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

crown and cool pup

When your pup looks super cute in Rowan's shades. 
Rowan got her permanent crown on today as a result of her root canal last month. Finally done with the tooth issue hopefully. Now to get the new retainer. 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

MI fun

We were lucky enough to find a weekend that worked for both families this summer, so Friday night after work, we headed to St. Joseph to spend the weekend with Blayne, Molly and the boys. 

Started out Saturday morning with a run, some basketball, 4 square, and a walk with Molly and Razzy. 
Then we packed up and headed to the beach. It wasn't the hottest out, but was sunny, so a pretty good day for the sand, maybe not so much the water - it was chilly. 

Kids played lots of spike ball, bottle bash, paddle boarded, catch with a football - and of course crushed sandwiches and snacks. I got to walk the beach and search for beach glass with Molly and Madden too. 
We found time for pizza, ice cream x2, the fountain, some volleyball, even a few games of cancellation hearts. It was a busy and fun weekend! We were on our way home after lunch on Sunday. 

Thursday, June 15, 2023

mid June craziness

June 14th - joined Karen, Doug, Don, Jason, and Steve for dinner and dessert for Doug and Don's 80th Birthday. 

June 15th - Rowan had the girls over for a few hours, and this is what I found at one point in the basement. 
Bahaha - practicing their beer pong I guess. 
Then Rowan and I made it to Blake's baseball game - and it got quite chilly by the end. Granny was in her gloves and hood. 

New Jersey trip

Eddie is playing in The Show later this month with Team East Coast. 
They hosted a mini camp this week for the team to have the chance to play together before the tournament. Ed and Eddie made the trip for the 3 day camp. Things started off a little rocky when their flight got cancelled Monday night - they were lucky enough to get out on a Tuesday am flight, and was a little late on the ice Tuesday. 

They went downtown Manhattan Tuesday night with Finn and Ryan - had some cart dogs, ice cream and saw a Broadway show (Neil Diamond). The next day they stayed closer to the hotel and had pizza and relaxed a bit more. Thursday they skated and then flew home. It was a fun experience and Eddie got to meet most of his teammates. 

Monday, June 12, 2023

Weekend wrap up

Grandma Pam was here for a couple of days and got to watch Eddie play baseball with me. 
I met them in DeForest and picked her up for the weekend to get away from home for a little bit. 
Sunday morning, Karen, Grandma and I got pedicures. 

Rowan and Ed wrapped up the weekend of hockey in MN. 
They made many trips to Letterman Sports while they were there - and we now have a rainbow assortment  of hoodies and tees. 

Monday - Rowan and I got to watch Luke play tee-ball, while Ed and Eddie head to New Jersey.  

Saturday, June 10, 2023

bring on June

May 28th - Memorial Day - Started the day in Pewaukee with family, a little swimming and late lunch. Then we headed to Nana and Papa's because Dusty/Julie and Hudson came to visit. So the kids got in some tubing. 
May 30th - great night for baseball
June 1st - Kiltie is open and always busy
June 3rd - Rowan being cute and Eddie makes the MJA team for year his 4th year. 
June 5th - another great night for baseball with our biggest fan club
Blake and Luke came to watch too. 
Eddie managed to break his sunglasses
June 6th - Rowan being cute - school is almost over. 
It's Piper's 3rd birthday!!!
June 8th - Rowan's last day of school (9th grade)
(she is missing the actual last day of school, half day, for hockey tournament)
June 9th - Eddie's last day of school (6th grade)
June 9th - Rowan is officially back on the ice
Since Eddie's last day was a half day, we golfed in the afternoon with Grandpa Kris and Uncle Kurt
June 10th - Happy 41st Birthday to Ed - nothing like celebrating in MN for hockey with the girls. 
Rowan decorated the room for him - and helped him get free dessert. 
Eddie and I were home for his home baseball tournament. He made his pitching debut.