Saturday, December 31, 2022

Better late than never

We finally got around to our Annual Gingerbread house competition today...
This year it was Rowan vs Eddie...and times got tough as you can see by some of the movement of candy. 
The winner was...A (Eddie)
Wrapped up the Year with some Fondue at home!

Friday, December 30, 2022

First Bucks game

Nicki reached out to us a few months back about a Bucks ticket deal at Costco. 
So glad we bought tickets and joined them for a night of fun. 

We met for dinner before the game - but had seats apart from each other. 
So much fun - and glad to catch up. 
Eddie and I found Jake at the game - old hockey teammate from Evictors Spring. 
Such a great family we were lucky enough to meet. 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

So this is Christmas

Starting with Christmas Eve...we began the celebration at Aunt Cheryl's for a small gathering with Family. 
Got a picture of Cousins, cousins kids, and the Aunts. 

Then we were off to Grandma and Grandpa's house for Knutson Christmas. 
Kiddos were spoiled as usual. Even Piper and Frankie got some attention. 
Christmas Day at home in the morning - with biscuits and gravy, followed by some presents. 
First time opening gifts in the basement - it was great. Lots of room to spread out. 

Then, Nana and Papa, Grandma and Grandpa joined us for some food and drinks in the afternoon. Can't forget some bubble hockey too. 
Day after Christmas - Grandma and Grandpa Bremberger came for a few hours to visit. 
Talked Grandpa into a round of bubble hockey too. 
December 27th - Eddie got braces. 
Dec 28th - Rowan played in the 3v3 girls tournament at The Ponds. 
Won some and lost some - didn't make it to the Chip. 
Dec 29th - Karen and Doug joined us for some post holiday celebrating. 
What a wonderful week of Family and Friends. 

Friday, December 23, 2022

Pre-holiday shenanigans

When you catch your nephews using the urinal when out for dinner - cutest thing ever. 

Tried to get a few more additions at the Harvest home sale for my trees, but unsuccessfully. 

Nothing like a little gathering with some of our hockey favorites right before the holidays. 
Complete with a Sara charcuterie board - delish, some bubble hockey, racing horses, drinks and more. 
Oh, and shirts I made for the Dad's - hockey gives me a zamboner - eek. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Boys @ND

Barely got out on the ice this week - been hard with the weather and traveling for hockey. 
Boys were at Notre Dame this weekend - Eddie scored a new hoodie. 
He hopes to attend ND some day. 
In addition to hockey, the boys did their Christmas gift exchange. They had a great space for the weekend complete with shinny and lots of fun. 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

home ice

Another home game for Row and the girls. 
When the boys comes to watch!
Gabi and Lyla got to a see a few minutes of the game before their time on the ice. 

Friday, December 16, 2022

hockey Christmas fun

The girls had a Christmas party dinner and gift exchange at the Parson's house. 
Sounds like fun was had by all. 

Christmas program

Luke was an angel in his school program. 
His lips were moving but he was also yawning. 

Sunday, December 11, 2022

he's back!!

We decided to let Eddie play this weekend (against MD recommendations) and I was so nervous. But he came out without injury, a few goals and a championship W. 

Meanwhile back at home, Rowan had a little visitor at her game too!
Rough coming back after not playing for 10 weeks - ouch. 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

more winter fun

Caitlin came to watch the girls play today - she is becoming a regular these days. 
Great to see her smiling face in the stands. 
Piper's neck is healing real nice now finally. 
Just in time for more snow. 
Definitely pretty on the trees. 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

no more braces

Rowan got her braces off today! 22 months later. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Trees are ready!

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

St. Nick came

They are growing up, but still not too old to open a few presents before school.