Sunday, September 12, 2021

Smiths take on St. Louis

When in St. Louis for hockey - visit the museum. 
Very entertaining and fun (would have been better without masks - but such is Covid)
Of course, it was 90 degrees outside, so the outdoor time was limited, but still entertaining. 
Four game showcase in St. Louis - complete with 4 wins. Makes for an exhausted kiddo. 
Plus all of the boy shenanigans in between - leads to an exhausting but fun weekend. 
Sadly we didn't schedule the Arch visit early enough and it wasn't an option, but we did get a picture from the road on our way out of town. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

weekend finale

We found some friends out on the lake this last official weekend of summer. School has started, hockey has started, new haircuts, great sunsets, bring on Fall. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Summer wrap up

We are ending the summer with a bang. 

Ready for MJA season to begin, complete with new skates. Ed and I were able to get to the Butler Inn to use a gift card and finally celebrate our 15th anniversary. 

We also had our nephews, Blake and Luke overnight to help out - and they kept us busy. We played hockey, we walked to the park, we had lake time. Eddie managed to pull out a tooth too. 
Then we started school - 8th grade and 5th grade. A fun new meal full of color, the kids attempted to help with some painting - and Rowan hit the ice again with the girls and the Valkyries. I even hit up the eye MD for a clean bill of health. Dilated eyes and all.