Saturday, January 30, 2021

Busy weekend

Ed and Eddie were in South Bend for the weekend for hockey...they got to meet up with the MI Smith's for a couple hours. And they got to meet Callan!

While they were off playing with family, going to Hooters for the first time, and hanging with the team...Rowan and I got to snuggle with Piper, decorate cookies with Blake and Luke, and play with our new Cricut (thanks Great Aunt Karen for a great late Christmas gift).

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Final Christmas

We finally were able to complete our Celebrations with Karen and Doug today!
We ordered out some dinner - and spent some time together, and then opened a few gifts also. 
Trying to teach Piper to open gifts as well as Gizmo did - she's working on it.
Love her new sweater!
Great to finally be able to safely visit and see them - spoiled as usual.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Post quarantine fun

Rowan finally went back to school!! January 21st!
Then the next day, Grandma came to visit for a late Christmas celebration. Grandpa stayed home with Willett who is recovering from an bad ear infection. Was nice to finally see Grandma again. Been a long year of Covid with conflicting work schedules and no time to travel. 
Grandma got to see Rowan play this weekend too. Then when Grandma left, we took on Twiggy for the day. She and Piper got to run and play a bit - and rest eventually too.

Eddie's team was home on Saturday vs Dubuque Jr Saints and between games was full of luncheons and service projects. They delivered food to a local Fire Station to show them appreciation. Sunday, they headed to IL to play Team Illinois, and Uncle Dusty and Hudson got to go watch. So he sent me a few pictures!

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Last weekend of quarantine

Was a girls weekend at home - of course because it snowed, AGAIN. 

Ed and Eddie are in Fort Wayne for a showcase. 

Us girls shoveled, had dinner with Grandpa and Grandma, 5 O'clock club chicken!
Rowan was back on the ice - for games!
Piper is wondering why she hardly has any toys!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Quarantine continued

It's been a long 10 days...but we have survived. 

Plenty of snow since the new year started...
Piper finally got a hair cut,
watched Rowan's team on Livebarn, more Rocket League with the Smith Family. 
Starbucks and Selfies. 
Family skates - Piper included. 
Ed and Eddie went shooting one day...
and I received some goodies from my Team. 
I applied for and accepted a Manager Role in the Appeals area - started on 1/4/21. 
My previous team sent me a canvas and dessert - so thoughtful. I will miss them dearly.

COVID update - Rowan was retested...and still tested negative. We were really hoping it was a false negative and that she truly had gotten it also, because now, she has the longest quarantine of any of us. She had to do our 10 days - and then another 14 days (because they considered her symptomatic because she had a headache the weekend we all tested positive) Therefore no way to shorten her quarantine. She can't go back to school until 1/20/21. Thankfully there is a virtual option, but this girl is ready to get out of this house. 
Hockey did let her test again and return to skating though since she has been asymptomatic for so long. Too bad the school nurse isn't on the same page.