Sunday, November 29, 2020

thanksgiving weekend recap

MJA had a fun day on Friday...split up into teams combined with 2009 age group - Eddie's team is below. 

Grandma Pam came to visit - we did some shopping/browsing and lunch at Mazatlan. 

Ed and Eddie headed to Angola for a showcase, and the girls stayed home, put up the tree, decorated the entry way, etc. 

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving, COVID style

We headed over to Grandpa and Grandma's house today - was a small crowd because Amanda and Peter are in quarantine. 
The Stoudt's stopped over and picked up to-go Thanksgiving dinner. 
Wishbone time

Was a great day with family, even if it was a smaller group. Staying safe during COVID is important too. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Strep...but not throat

Rowan woke up like this yesterday - we gave her some Benadryl and watched her. 
Then the next day, she woke up worse. So we headed to the MD...unsure of the cause of this swelling. They ruled out many things, foods, soaps, COVID, etc. Her throat wasn't hurting but they decided to test her for Strep just in case...and sure enough it was positive. The MD is saying it's just an abnormal side effect of strep - so antibiotics it is.  
Had a zoom call with the Smith's since we won't be getting together for Thanksgiving!
Row is almost on the mend just 24 hours later. But she always looks better at the end of a day, and then worse in the morning, I am guessing after laying flat. 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Girls traveling!

Puppy problems...when you find teeth laying around, there is probably blood. Funny that it looks like the sloth has lipstick on.
Visited Frankie today, I was off work to leave for River Falls, but we didn't have to leave as early as planned. So took advantage of a day off with Piper.
On our way to River Falls we decided to stop and visit Grandma and Grandpa for 30 minutes. Haven't seen them in a LONG time because of covid and work schedules. 
We finally made it to River Falls by 8pm - got some drive through dinner and ate in the room. 
After a fast sleep, we were up and at it for game 1. This is what hockey looks like these days d/t COVID. Lack of locker room use means dressing in hotel rooms, cars, or outside. 
These girls are captains this weekend! 
After a day of hockey, the Smith and Parson ladies headed out for some Mexican!!
Us Mom's took advantage of the Nintendo and played some throw back Tetris. Tried to teach the girls but they weren't interested. 
Woke up to snow the next day.
Sadly the girls fell short of 1st place, but they had fun and made memories.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

another week in the books

Life with a puppy...finding teeth all over the place.
The girls squared off against the Waukesha Squirt B boys team - girls pulled off a W.
Got a picture of Rowan with Eddie's friend, Jax. 
Then there was football...Eddie attempted to play this fall. Attempted was the key word. We signed him up, things were delayed because of Covid - in the end, he went to a handful of practices, then when the game schedule was published, we pulled him out. He was only going to make 2 of the games because of hockey conflicts, so just wasn't worth making a few practices when he could barely make the game. So, he has all the gear, but won't be hitting the field this year, sadly.
Rowan's final product. #LCWarharks

Monday, November 9, 2020

Piper's new friend

Frankie Stoudt - Miniature Goldendoodle (female).
I think they like each other....

Sunday, November 8, 2020

normal crazy weekend

Typical Smith weekend, 2 teams, in 3 cities, 8 games in 3 days.
Boys went 5-1 in the Cheddar cup (in Manitowoc) and walked away with 2nd place.
Girls didn't fair as well, but improved through the weekend.
Family was finally able to watch a live game at Mullett.
Oh and I survived working the clock!
Hockey moms unite!