Tuesday, December 31, 2019

in house NYE

We stayed in this year for New Years...we did fondue, played games, finished up a puzzle, and ate a lot of calories. 
 Wild and crazy night over here. 

Saturday, December 28, 2019

a small Knutson get together

 We were able to get together the Kris and Kurt Knutson families today. We just did some appetizers, drinks and games! Filled the table and our hearts!

Picture of us birthday folks in the next week or so. 
Da group! (secret came out that Dan and Jenny are expecting...a girl..in June)
  A little racing horses fun.
We didn't get around to a family picture on Christmas Eve...so we took advantage of a few photographers in the room. 

Friday, December 27, 2019

day trip vs work

While some of us have been working the last two days...others are road tripping to IL to spend some time with the Smiths in Moline. I am jealous...but thankful the kids and Ed were able to make the trip. They got to see Great Grandma Jan and catch up with many others too. Sadly...because Ed was in charge, this is the extent of the pictures that were taken. 
Meanwhile...Gizmo and I enjoyed a very healthy dinner while waiting for them to return home tonight. Someone likes to help clean up plates...with his tongue.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

the aftermath...oh wait, we aren't done

Finished up another puzzle! 
Trying out my new running shoes that Karen and Doug bought me for Christmas/Birthday!! Just what the doctor ordered.
We were off to Pewaukee to spread some holiday cheer with Karen and Doug tonight. Some pizza and chicken for dinner...and of course a few presents too. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas is here

I guess a few people in this house were good this year! So thankful for so many things.
A beautiful sunrise...if only Ed and I could learn to sleep in.  
And then there was a snooper...
And then the big surprise...Smith's are headed to Punta Cana in January. 
It has been a long few months planning and keeping this surprise a secret.

Who would have thought that football gloves could be so exciting. 
 Can't leave Gizmo out...he is such a good present opener. 
Such a great day at home, relaxing and enjoying each other. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Knutson Christmas

Fun filled day...started with the Hanson open house, followed by immediate family time and gifts. The tree overfloweth with gifts.