Thursday, November 30, 2017

3 they say...

Hard to believe that God hasn't thought that we have dealt with enough loss in our lives lately...this last week he took yet another one from us. Grandpa Dick lost his fight with COPD/CHF and has joined Grandma Carol up in heaven. Ed flew to IA last night to help his parents start to go through the Farley home. We have quite the project to help with in a very short amount of time since we are all out of state. Ed is hoping to help them get a good start on it before we all arrive this weekend for the funeral and to help. 

Grandpa Dick was very stubborn and didn't get rid of much. Ed found this Ranch bottle in the fridge in the basement...last time I checked Ranch dressing was white. 

Sunday, November 26, 2017

empty house

Well, it is Sunday; so everyone is leaving. Sad to say goodbye to them all! Uncle Mitch will be spending the day with us as his flight isn't until 8pm tonight. 
 Got a picture of Grandma and Grandpa with their grandkids together. We failed to get a family picture at dinner last night sadly.
And this girl said barely an hour after they left that she missed Blake!!  

Saturday, November 25, 2017

hockey and matching

Game 2 was a better showing for our WBL White team; but still a team more advanced than our boys. But they played their hardest. 
Blake has been content in his carseat for 2 full hockey games now! What a rockstar!
Thrilled to be out and playing with Rowan I am sure. 
Then Uncle Ed was trying to put Blake to sleep...
But he wasn't quite having that yet.
Time for pictures in the kids new Christmas jammies from Grandpa and Grandma! 
Eddie and Aunt Amanda relaxin'. 
Teaching Blake all about selfies with his favorite Aunt and Uncle. 
And he finally learned from Uncle Ed how to nap! 
We hap planned to go out for dinner tonight before realizing Eddie would have his final hockey game at 8pm. So we had to plan dinner accordingly to be done in time to get to the Lumberyard on time. A bunch of troopers this family is being; they attended all 3 of Eddie's games. Gabby even got drug into this one. She arrived Thanksgiving night to join in on the fun. Mitchell and Gabby were visiting a friend for lunch today in Minneapolis; so they joined us for dinner and the late hockey game. Rowan and Eddie thought we should go to their favorite restaurant, Osaka.

And someone apparently told the waiter that it was Gabby's birthday (it really isn't even close)...but we all got a good laugh. 
Then it was off to the final game for WB White in the Thanksgiving tournament.
This play got Eddie a penalty shot...
So proud of this boy's playing this weekend; sad they couldn't pull out a win, but what do you expect when playing against teams top Mite teams (which to WB is Mite 4....Eddie's team is Mite 3!) So there are 2 Mite 4 teams above Eddie's teams level.

Friday, November 24, 2017

hockey love

Last night Grandma, Amanda, Rowan and I headed out and joined the crazies to do some Black Friday shopping!! We just went to Kohls and Target; and did get a few good purchases. 

This morning, Eddie got to show everyone his skills...too bad they were in a tournament with teams a level higher than them; therefore there weren't a lot of points scored for the good guys. But he still had fun and we all had fun watching him. Blakes first hockey game!!
Grandma and Grandpa were proud!! 
A little play time in between hockey games...oh and after a little more shopping.
And while we were away, the men finished the puzzle. So while we were out, they demanded we get them another puzzle.
Finally I got to hold Blake! Joking, Rowan is a good sharer; but I have never had competition like this before!
2 sweet boys together!! Can't wait for Eddie to show Blake the way; he will do great.  
Game 2 and 3 of the tournament tomorrow!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

So Thankful!!

Happy Thanksgiving 2017
When you play hard all morning you need a nap!
If you can't find one of the guys; look at the puzzle table 
Turkey prep...Grandpa's turkey was busy cooking in the oven. So helped Peter supervise Ed's turkey in the fryer.
 The deep fried turkey...
The oven roasted turkey!
The best of both worlds...table is set and ready to go.
Knutson family Thanksgiving 2017
So much to be thankful for this year; too many losses in our lives.  
Rowan hogging Blake again... 
The 3 amigos!! 
 Smiley guy, must have been watching his cousins beforehand.
 Rowan and Aunt Amanda
Liquid Dessert!! Salted Caramel Martinis for the ladies! These came after the cherry, pecan and pumpkin pies.
And Grannie brought the kids (or all of us) turkey cookies.  
 Pretty good wrap to the, football, and family; and Baby Blake!