Sunday, April 30, 2017

he could turn into pasta

Love those spaghetti slurping lips! For real this kid could eat pasta for days.
He could do without the meatballs but we force them on's good for him.
And Mom is getting her feet boatin' ready...

Friday, April 28, 2017

who doesn't hang out in their boat in the garage...

Well when it is too cold to take it on the lake...why not try out the tunes and seats while in the garage; totally normal for excited new boat owners.
 This little boy is way too excited...even on land.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Super saturday

Started the day with a birthday party in Oakdale...
Grandma and Grandpa came to visit for the weekend and see Rowan's play. I went with them and got to see it all from a different angle.
 Another job well done!!
Afterwards we headed home and had a bonfire to celebrate a good day.

Friday, April 21, 2017

spring league action

Sure is fun to see Ed in his element with both kids on the ice. They all have so much fun.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Performance day #1

Started school with come crazy hair and good luck from Great Aunt Karen and Great Uncle Doug.
Then it was time to calm the hair down and get ready for her first performance.
Ed, Eddie and I would be attending together tonight.
You were advised not to take any pictures or videos...but I accidentally got a couple pics. But I was definitely afraid of getting this is all I got.
As expected Rowan did great...many songs and dances to remember on top of her one line! She already talks about wanting more lines next year!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

it's almost time

For the last several months Rowan has been going to school an hour early twice a week for play practice...and then we have had tech rehearsal all week at night to prep for the play that starts this Thursday!! Rowan is so excited for the performances.

Monday, April 17, 2017

artwork switcharoo

When my line of art is overflowing it is time to retire and save some so new can be hung. Never thought it would be so hard to decide what to keep and what to throw...especially when the kids want you to keep it all!
This is Eddie's...they do more than the older kids!
And this is Rowan's!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter!

We headed to Cracker Barrel for breakfast before we all headed home for the weekend.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

What a day!?

 We spent many hours at the water park today! We even got Nana in the water! And she went down a waterslide. We did take a break for 'nap' for Hudson; the guys played cards; and Nana, Rowan and I walked over to the outlet mall. We had snacks and drinks and so much fun. 
Lazy river for all of us! 
Proof that Nana went down the waterslide! Rowan was so excited she went down with us.
 I think we all did our fair share of little slides as well...
And when we were all done it was bath time!! This pic is just too cute.
The 3 amigos are waterlogged...
And shortly after this I am pretty sure I passed out...and I wasn't the only one to be in bed early.