Tuesday, November 29, 2016

student council rep!

I came back upstairs after working out to find this...dog on the couch, again! Grrr....and he just looks at me like, what?!
And this girl has her first student council meeting today! Happy to represent the 3rd grade class!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

peer pressure and HS boys

Well, yesterday Peter and Ed went and drooled over the televisions; picked one out, but chickened out. So today, Ed went back and bought one! Peter is going to wait and buy his when he is closer to home!
Then tonight...Eddie and his Mite 2 team got to skate with the HS boys Varsity team at the beginning of the game. Such a fun experience for him.
Sitting on the bench after skating the flag around the rink while the HS boys warm up.
Bears are handed out to try to throw into a truck when the team scores...and you can win something. We didn't end up staying long enough for them to score; so she just snuggled the bear while we were there and gave it back before we left.
The boys had fun skating and watching the big guys play for a bit. Was a long day for us, so we headed home to relax after the first period.

Friday, November 25, 2016

shopping, lunch, practice, pull tabs

Amanda and I went out and did some black Friday shopping this morning...though we weren't out with the crazies super early. Probably made it to the first store by 8am. Then we met the men and kids out for lunch after they headed to Costco to check out the TV's.
Then early evening Rowan had practice...then we headed next door to Sak's for dinner.
...and some pull tabs. Totally normal right? Rowan's friend Madalyn needed a ride to practice so she joined us for dinner. Hope her parents don't frown upon our pull tab exposure.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thankful for these visitors here to spend Thanksgiving with us! Such a fun relaxing day!
Started with bloody Mary's!
Did some sledding, turkey frying, sampled some different sangria recipes, snowball fights; and of course and wonderful meal complete with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and rolls. MMMmmmmm.
Tried to play in the snow again after eating...but it was raining; so that was short.
Then the fun moved inside...knee hockey of course. Eddie scratched his nose somehow...and needed a Bandaid...see below!
When you let him pick his own bandaid for his face...he goes big!
Can't forget dessert...Pumpkin and Pecan pie courtesy of Keys CafĂ©. And a Reese's PB blizzard pie courtesy of our favorite neighbors, The Nalipinksi's.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

labor of love

Also known as child labor....while I was working inside, I put them to work outside.
First snowman of the season...
Bar is ready...waiting for Amanda and Peter to arrive. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Willet, snow, weird

Grandpa Bill and Grandma Pam got a puppy today! Meet Willet, he is 8 weeks old.
Meanwhile, our pup is enjoying some snow....Boooooo....
And then there is Rowan...goofy as ever!

Monday, November 21, 2016

DQ night

Never have to ask this family twice if they want DQ! Love us some ice cream.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

another double dose

Today Rowan sported Ed's old hockey jersey! Perfect fit actually.
And Eddie got busy during his scrimmage for a bit today too. P.S. He played goalie yesterday at practice, and I didn't get to see it because I was with Rowan; turns out he was in tears for the first 15 minutes because he could barely skate with all the gear on. Guess we won't be playing that position again any time soon.

Friday, November 18, 2016

snow, couch and goalie

Ugh, what is this white stuff?
This is what I found when I came out of my office for a break today...apparently he can't be trusted with open couches while I am working! So naughty.
And this white stuff kept coming today...
Eddie is going to give goalie a try this weekend at practice...trying on the gear. 
He thinks he is pretty tough...one will see.
Looking good buddy!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Hibachi for the guests!

Rowan and Eddie were so excited to show Karen and Doug their favorite restaurant. They were quite entertained and well fed. Eddie even took the lemonade from the bottle. Getting braver!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

busy saturday

Rowan was the busy bee today...she got to go to Laney's birthday party! They started at the Nail salon getting manicures and pedicures! Then back to Laney's house to play and have cupcakes and do some crafts. So much fun for these girls!
Then Karen and Doug got double hockey duty today...and some more games and even some reading. They need a vacation after visiting us.