Tuesday, June 30, 2015

busy busy

Finally got my girl back and hive free this morning...hallelujah!
Gymnastics makeup today...
And some t-ball for Eddie tonight! Picture night, so stole a team picture of the photographers shoulder.

Monday, June 29, 2015

hives, blinds, rollers, MD

Yesterday, Rowan's hives came and went along with Benadryl consumption. Well, this is how she looked this morning! Not so hot, puffy eyes, and hives all over again. So we continued with Benadryl and they fairly quickly improved all over...
 This morning, we had Budget Blinds here installing blinds. Love them! So wishing we could afford to do the entire house...but we got a good start this round. 8 windows done, and the remaining ones will cost us half of what this round did.
Rowan was well enough to be outside playing with her friends this afternoon.
But since the hives keep returning, I decided to call the nurse line and find out if I should be doing anything more. After much discussion they recommended I bring her in only because we were ending day 2 of Benadryl needs and they weren't gone. And were are to be heading out of town this weekend for over a week, so wanted answers sooner than later. There were still plenty of hives for the NP to see, so she recommended some cream to help and if they aren't completely gone in the next 24 hours to return!
(of course the next morning they were completely gone)

Sunday, June 28, 2015

spoiled sunday...

The morning didn't start out the greatest...our visitors were up and on the road early to head home. And Rowan woke up with her body covered in Hives...for no good reason at all. So we loaded her with some Benadryl and prayed they went away.
When the hives improved and she was acting fine, we headed out to run some errands. One unplanned errand included a new phone for me! Ed was joking all weekend about how my Dad and Julie have a newer phone than me...so he decided to give me his upgrade so I could get a newer phone. I decided to go for the biggest best IPhone 6 Plus. And a new fun case obviously too.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

family fun day

Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Amanda joined us at the house this morning. We soaked up some sun, kids played in the pool, and just hung out. In the afternoon, Ed worked on his pizza grilling, Ron and Toni stopped by for a bit to see the house on their way back to WI after the wedding last night. Was a relaxing fun day with everyone.

dancing the night away...

We, as a family, tore up the dance floor last night! Not a lot of great pictures to show for it...especially the great microphone that my dad's tie made for me! Good music, great company, awesome dancing!

Friday, June 26, 2015

tooth and wedding

This morning, Rowan lost her 3rd tooth. It fell out while she was eating breakfast. It has been ready for quite some time...she was glad it came out because Grandma Julie is coming this weekend, she didn't want her to pull it out!
This afternoon, Grandpa Kris and Grandma Julie, and Aunt Amanda came to pick me up for a family wedding this evening. Ed met us at the hotel in Golden Valley, got changed and we took a lengthy shuttle ride due to traffic to the church in St. Paul. My dad's cousin's son got married and we were all invited. Very nice to have a local wedding! Kayla came and watched the kids for us!
Peter couldn't come because he recently started his new job at WE Energies and didn't have vacation time to take off for a Friday wedding. 
The Parents...clean up nicely!
Me and my hubby!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

thirsty thursday

 Hard to believe that it is already the end of June and soccer is ending. Today is their last day of soccer Fundamentals!
Both kids classes got to play with the parachute. Lots of fun games in addition to soccer today!
After lunch we were off to the final day of volleyball camp!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

willy wednesday...

This stud got his hair cut this morning...
Then Rowan had gymnastics..
Followed by Volleyball camp, and tball. Eddie and I had some more play time at the park!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

even busier...

Lunch...then volleyball.
then dinner, and tball. First night for the 4/5 year old maroon team!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Volleyball camp

Rowan started her week long volleyball camp today. Made me miss volleyball big time. Eddie and I ran some errands and played at the park while Rowan was at volleyball camp. But Rowan had quite the day, with tball following volleyball camp. No rest for the weary.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's day

...turned Sunday Funday!
Was a great day outside today, so we got out the waterslide for the kids. We had popsicles, and ice cream, and a pot luck dinner and even some drinks. Great way to celebrate some wonderful dads!

Friday, June 19, 2015

more fun today

Started out our day with a walk this morning...
Then we met Eddie's friend from school at the park to play...
...then Eddie and I ended up with a date at the WB Manitou Days parade! We were supposed to go as a family, but Rowan had an accident and got in big trouble, so she had to stay home with Dad. So Eddie and I staked out a spot, had some pizza, and watched the very long parade while collecting lots of candy!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

filled day...

It's been a rough couple of days around here...owies all around. Between scooter owies, tripping at the library, header into the wall, and roller blades falls...we have scabs everywhere!
That being said, another great day of soccer for both. Eddie played the part well in his adidas outfit.
After soccer we went to Cup and Cone for some ice cream. Was our first time there. Watermelon was their flavor of the day. The kids loved it.
After errands and lunch we met up with the Lehrer family before they head out west for vacation and then back to Austria for the summer! Kids had lots of fun catching up, sad we didn't realize they were still in town earlier.