Sunday, November 30, 2014

Hollywood Studios...

Day 3...and the kids are tired! Slept in and through us turning the lights on and starting our day!
Despite having 2 queen beds...Rowan decided she wanted to sleep on the trundle bed by herself instead of sharing a bed with Eddie. Probably a good thing since he started out the night on the other side of the bed!
Then we were up and out the door headed to Hollywood Studios where we would have breakfast at Hollywood and Vine with the Disney Junior friends.
The Yacht Club Resort is right in the heart of we were able to take a boat to Hollywood Studios!
We did the Star Tours ride, saw some characters, saw a stunt show....
And the ever famous Frozen sing-a-long! It was great! The kids loved it and it was emotional for me to see Rowan so happy and in her element!
Then we headed back to the hotel to relax and do some swimming!
Mom and Dad even enjoyed themselves with a couple of beverages while the kids swam! Today we didn't join in the swimming as it was a bit chilly. Thus the double towels to stay warm when getting out.
We warmed up and got ready and headed back to Hollywood Studios at night as well to do a few more rides and fun.
Star Tours...and Eddie built his own light saber afterwards!
And Rowan picked out a pair of light up Minnie ears!
We took the kids on the Tower of Terror for the first time...Rowan LOVED it...Eddie not so much. He won't go on it again...but he claims he liked the ride as it made his favorite list, but he only liked going up, not down. Rowan went on it several times with Ed! And we stopped to see the Spectacle of Lights as well! Very cool and very crowded, so it was brief. And Eddie managed to squeeze in a nap in the stroller too tonight!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Magic Kingdom

We started Day 2 at Magic Kingdom this morning. Had to get autograph books and pens so that we could start meeting princesses and characters. We started in the castle with Rapunzel and Cinderella...and that was just the beginning!
We had brunch reservations at Chef Mickey's at the Contemporary Resort. So we got to take the monorail over there!
We got to see Mickey and all his friends at brunch. Rowan got to waver her napkin and dance with Goofy!
After our stomachs were full...we headed back to Magic Kingdom and hit up the rides. Happy to say that this year we only rode on Dumbo once!
We did the speedway several times! Eddie even got to drive this year...with mom of course!
Buzz Lightyear was dad's favorite signature of the trip...will post later!
Yes, Ed and I were present on the trip despite the lack of photographs of us!
My personal driver...Eddie!
A family selfie on the teacups...
A collage of our day! We all made it on the Barnstormer too. And Big Thunder Railroad. Although Eddie wasn't willing to do that one a second time!
A little video of the teacup ride...

Friday, November 28, 2014

Disney bound....

We were up bright and early this morning and on the road to MSP airport by 530am. There was some snow over night, so we wanted to be sure we had enough time to get to the airport. We were lucky enough to get randomly put in the TSA precheck line for security, so we zoomed right through for the most part.
We got some coffee and light breakfast and relaxed at our gate.
Kids are ready to go!
Rowan and Dad sat together, and Eddie and I together across the aisle. We had a nice older couple sit next to us that were on their way to FL for the winter. I failed to choose our seats soon enough so we weren't all together, but this worked out well being across the aisle from each other...2 window seats for the kids.
We arrived in Orlando around our shuttle to the hotel just in time and got settled into the room. We grabbed some lunch as it was late and we hadn't eaten. Then we caught a bus to downtown Disney to meet up with Dan and Jenny. They hadn't eaten much all day either as they had been running around and driving to Orlando, so we met them at the T-Rex restaurant for some dinner. Was a fun venue with not a very long wait.
Kids were a little stir crazy and enjoyed hanging out with Dan and Jenny.
After dinner we decided we wanted to do some bowling, but it was an hour plus we hit up the Lego Store and a few others before it was our turn to bowl. Then we bowled a couple games, hit up some street entertainment and then all headed back to our respective hotels to sleep as we had all had long busy fun days. Was fun to catch up with Dan and Jenny!
This street dancer was hilarious...totally reminded me of my dad dancing...sorry dad!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Giving much thanks for these munchkins! 0
First time in a long time that we have spent Thanksgiving home alone! We weren't travelling home or hosting anyone this year because we are heading to Disney tomorrow for a week. So we got some Christmas décor up today, made some homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast, cooked a turkey/potatoes/corn and rolls for lunch/dinner and some mini pecan pies for dessert. Was a nice day at home but a little stressful preparing for our trip tomorrow. Christmas tree is up and decorated too.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

busy busy day

Morning started out busy...and the day continued that way! Eddie got stuck while trying to get dressed this's rare that he is out of his pajamas before Rowan leaves for school. But we had to hit the road to meet Grandma Pam shortly after Rowan left for school.
And it's rare that Rowan can pass up a photo opportunity...even if we are running out the door to the bus.
Eddie, Gizmo and I headed to Eau Claire to meet Grandma Pam in the snow. Grandma and Grandpa are taking Gizmo for us for a few days when we are in Disney. Karen will take him for the rest of the week. We met for some lunch and then hit the road back home. Was almost a 2 hour ride there because of the crappy roads in MN...luckily the ride home was perfect as the precipitation has stopped.
Then since there was some new snow, the kids wanted to enjoy the outdoors. Caught Elaina, Gabby and Rowan being silly again.
And Eddie was getting some big pushes from TJ down the hill. He was moving despite the fact that there isn't a ton of snow.
And a quick picture of our icicle lights...Not much for décor but better than nothing.