Saturday, May 31, 2014

Alli's all day party

Luckily Eddie was feeling better today so we could enjoy Alli's 4th birthday party outside with water activities and a bounce house. In this neighborhood, we don't know how to go home. So we spent all afternoon/evening playing. Had to help them get their money out of the bounce house.
 Eddie and Alli

Friday, May 30, 2014

sickly boy

We tried really hard to go to the zoo today with Stella, Will and Hailey. We actually did go..but Eddie sat in the stroller the entire time. Then when we ate lunch he decided to curl up in a ball and close his eyes. So we made a stop at the doctor on our way home (I had called in the am because he said his ear hurt but was acting fine). Sure enough, he has a sad looking ear. So we got a chocolate shake and some antibiotics on our way home...then it was nap time. Poor boy.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

pretend birthday

Today was the day they celebrated Rowan's birthday at school since she is a summer birthday. She brought her favorite frosted cookies to share with her friends. And she got a crown! Pretty cute.
And to top it off she got to play with her friends outside after school.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

owie at school

Rowan took a digger at school today and came home with quite the bandaid on...surprised this didn't warrant a phone call. She is tough.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial day celebration

Started out the morning at Grandma and Grandpa's for the Memorial day parade. Kids slept over last night, so we joined them all this morning.
After the parade we had the Nana and Papa, Grandpa Kris, Grandma Julie, Amanda, Peter and Mitchell over for an afternoon cookout.
In addition to eating, we played some baseball and even got rained on a bit before the day was over. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

garden prep and date night

We went to Nana and Papa's house today to help plant the garden. Since we are leaving our house it didn't make sense to plant a garden here, so we are assisting with Nana's so we can have some of the produce.
Tonight Ed and I tried out Burkes Lakeside in Oconomowoc tonight. And then got some Frozen Yogurt at BerrySimple. Nice little night alone.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

volleyball and smores

We got to play some volleyball, grill out, and have a fire and s'mores tonight with our neighbors. Was a fun night. Sawyer even lost his tooth eating a s'more! Never a dull moment around these parts.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Madison Zoo Trip

Today I got to chaperone for Rowan's Zoo field trip to Madison. Was a long bus ride but the kids did great. We had Chloe and Megan in our group today. Zoo was smaller than we are used to, but the girls enjoyed it. We even had ice cream sandwiches to cool off. Before we knew it we were on our way home.
We caught up with Brock too!

(On a side note...Rowan was sent home from school yesterday with a 'red' eye. So we took her to the doctor to ensure it wasn't pink eye so that she could return to school the next day. Turns out she has allergies and a bit of a cold as well. Phew...would've meant we wouldn't have been able to participate in the field trip today.)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

ice cream sharing

The Ross family shared their ice cream with us and we shared our sprinkles with them. They are patiently waiting for the delivery of icy goodness.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

after school water fun

Owen and Emmett let us come play in their water today after a steamy day at school. Kids loved it. Of course they all had popsicles to cool off too. Definitely a staple in this neighborhood.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

2 wheels

Someone ditched the training wheels today!

Yay Rowan!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Rowan's tooth...

Rowan finally lost her 1st tooth. So many people offered to pull out her tooth that has been hanging by a string for weeks...I was not one of them. And it turns out...Eddie tackled her while playing and the tooth fell out. Perfect!
(the tooth fairy brought her $5)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Rio 2

Eddie and I got an alone day at the movies with Quinn, Casey and Cheryl! Such fun. The toddlers did better in the beginning...then Casey and I were wondering if we saw more of the bathroom than the movie. But overall the movie was super cute and the kids did well.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

cool zoo

Today we met our besties at the zoo. Was another long sleeve day...but that didn't stop us.
Casey and the girls, Andi and the kids, Aunt Cheryl, and Nora and her girls all met us there. Was a much needed fun day.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's day

Why not end the weekend with poor eating and celebrating us Mother's!
We started the morning meeting Nana and Papa and kids at Maxim's in Oconomowoc for breakfast.
Then we went to the Kiltie as a little family for lunch.
And rounded out the day with dinner at Casa Tequila in Pewaukee with Grandpa, Grandma, Amanda and Peter.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Dan and Jenny's Wedding

Was a huge success. Eddie did awesome. Walked down the aisle, behaved in church and maybe even smiled a bit. So proud of our little stud. He even smiled for the camera.
Even got a picture with Great Grandma Audrey.
Stole some pictures while the photographer was in action.
Such a smile!
Family picture 
Eddie and The Groom! 
 So cute!
Successful walk down the aisle! 
Knutson Family 
After the church we went to Kurt and CJ's house for some beverages and snacks before dinner. Was beautiful weather and the kids got to play and run around for a bit.
Eddie fell asleep on our way to the dinner/reception. So Ed held him sleeping for quite awhile during cocktail hour. Then we had dinner. After dinner, Nana and Papa picked the kids up for the night. They took them to Sweet Dreams in Hartland for some ice cream. They deserved it. I was a bit jealous.