Monday, March 31, 2014

standard skate night

Though it is difficult to see what both kids are learning on opposite ends of the helps me to keep warm walking back and forth! And they enjoy it and have quite the audience.
And it wouldn't be right if we didn't go out for ice cream after skating!

Pretty sure we texted a picture of what Ed was missing out on in MN.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

1st time roller skating

Rowan was invited to her friend Bella's birthday party today. Ed had to take her as it was my weekend to work, thus the lack of pictures. But she did great and had lots of fun. Wish I could have joined in the fun.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

museum field trip

Today I got to go to the Milwaukee Public Museum with Rowan's kindergarten class. We had a group of 4 girls. Kesley, Julianna and Amber. The girls did a great job. But after walking for about 30 minutes, the girls were tired and hungry already. Was a good thing we ate an early lunch. We did the butterfly exhibit about 3 times in the 2.5 hours we were there too. They definitely got a little bored. But they were well behaved and listened well. I went into the candy shop in the Streets of Old Milwaukee and got them each a few pieces of candy (they had to wait outside as Mrs. Day said they weren't allowed in there) and they almost got me in trouble because they were showing it off to their friends. Oops!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

sibling love

Poor Gizmo doesn't get attention often...and when he does, he seems less than thrilled. Especially when it is the kids giving the attention, thus the sword at his neck!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Eddie visits the...

He did a great job for being 3! This was technically his second time at the dentist...we started at 2 since he was there with his sister.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Family Night @ Meadowview

Tonight we were able to go see Rowan's classroom and she showed us all of her masterpieces...artwork, math, reading, writing, etc. She wasn't as into it as some of the other kids.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy 9th Birthday Gizmo

I'm not really sure where the time has gone, but Gizmo is already 9 years old. And just as spoiled as the first day, thanks to Karen and Doug. They came over bearing gifts and treats for the birthday boy.

Let there be grass

Our neighbor friends got a Powerwheel Corvette and Eddie got to take it for a spin today. Now he is begging for his Jeep. Guess we better get the battery charged up. He had a meltdown because he wasn't quite understanding that it takes time to charge the battery. No immediate results.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Great Grandma Elaine

We spent the last 24 hours celebrating the life of a wonderful woman. My step dad's mother went to heaven earlier this week. She has been sick for quite a few months battling leukemia that she has dealt with for many many years. Her body just didn't want to let go and therefore she struggled for the last few weeks.

Elaine is only third family member that we have lost since having children, and it's the first time that one of them has been old enough to understand. And it made it much harder. I started out by trying not to use the word 'dead' or 'died' but when saying she passed away, Rowan was asking where she moved and wasn't really getting it. But once I said she died, it all made sense. And several times she came out and said how sad it was that she was gone and not coming back. And expressed her sorrow for Great Grandpa Ron. She had such sweet sad words that would bring back tears just when I thought there were no more.

The kids did very well, and we were glad to have them present to remember Elaine. But it makes me sad for the future and other losses knowing that she really gets it. It is obviously a fact of life that we can't change and no one looks forward to dealing with. But dealing with it with kids makes it on a totally different level.

Rest in Peace Elaine. We will never forget you.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Happy Birthday Eddie!

Our little boy turns 3 today.
Not much to say right now other than we are potty trained and all boy these days. With all the superhero gear he received at his party last weekend, we have to take away weapons quite often. And he has a little temper that gets taken out on his sister quite often. Not that she doesn't sometimes deserve it, but yikes.
Yearly update to come at the end of the month when he is in for his annual check up.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Finally the snow is starting to melt and the sun is showing it's face without a wind chill to follow. So we got the bikes out for a bit today. Hopefully next time they are out we won't need snowpants to go with them.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

day after party

Nana made Eddie a pancake because he loves them so much, who would have thought he'd be sleeping on it. I guess it is just a glorified memory foam pad?
And of course we played lots of dress up after receiving all of his superhero gear yesterday. His sister even got into it a bit.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Birthday Dinner

We went out for a last minute dinner with Grandpa Kris, Grandma Julie, Aunt Amanda and Peter tonight after napping after the party today. Eddie got to have another round of dessert on the house for his birthday. He chose an ice cream sundae.
Center of attention, again!

Eddie's 3rd SuperHero Party

Our little Superman had a great time with his family and friends celebrating his birthday. We had to do it the weekend before his actual birthday because I have to work next weekend. He didn't know any different and if you ask him, he is 3 now anyway.
It was Ed's idea to all wear superhero shirts. Very impressed. I think he is taking to my party planning antics.
We started the party with a few games. Then had some lunch. Followed by a piñata and presents and then ended with cupcakes and singing.
We took down some villans with silly string.
We used our super strength to pop some balloons.
Our superhero was spoiled with lots of different toys and fun things.
We took down Spiderman in hopes of some candy.
And ended with cake and frosting.

Friday, March 7, 2014

family friday night

Tonight we enjoyed some wine, games and painting. We even graduated from Kids Sequence to the normal adult sequence. Fun times. Ed thought he was a regular Picasso, hopefully the kids don't get either of our artist abilities.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

naughty Rowan

I never would have thought that she would have the potential to do such sassy things at age 5 1/2. This girl pushes her limits just about daily. She is lucky at the end of the day she is still cute. Ugh.

Monday, March 3, 2014

hairscut and more skate

We finally found a time that worked for both Nora and us to get Eddie's mop cut. So cute.
And thankfully, Eddie wanted to go back for more skating this week.