Tuesday, December 31, 2013

NYE 2013

Probably the first time in forever that we did anything for NYE and actually made it to see the New Year. We spent the night at the Swan household making homemade sushi and just hanging out. We did manage to play Catch Phrase before midnight too. The kids even stayed up until midnight. But we said happy new year and then we were on our way home. Kids were asleep before we even got out of the driveway.
Silly girls played quite hard! 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

B and B Christmas

We got back from Moline last night around 830pm so we could rest up for our last round of Christmas celebrations today. We started with breakfast with Grandpa Bill and Grandma Pam, and gifts with them. Some short play time with more new toys and bikes! They even rode them around a the house a bit before they were banished to the garage.
We then headed to Karen and Doug's house for appetizers, lunch and a few more gifts.
Family picture 2013 
Great Grandpa and Great Grandma with Rowan and Eddie
Multiple generations.
With the boys too.
And our little Packer fans.
We headed home just before the Packer game so that Eddie could get a nap and try to get back on schedule for the next week. There has been lots of lack of sleeping in the last week or so. But lots of fun and family time all around.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Skating, Swimming, Xmas fun.

Today was the best day possible for a little outdoor skating! There happened to be an outdoor skating rink right behind our hotel in Moline. And we were able to talk many Smith's into giving it a try. We were actually too warm while we were skating and removed some winter attire. So much fun! Rowan showed off for the kids and helped her cousins as well.
Julie and I needed proof that we could stand up on our skates. Neither of us fell either.
Rowan was pretty excited that Uncle Dusty and Aunt Julie skated with her. Dusty had brought his skates along the previous weekend to get on the ice when we were together, but we never made it out. So he had his skates in his trunk still, as did Ed and Rowan. Prepared!
Forgot about how after breakfast we headed to the pool. The pool extended to the outside. Was a bit chilly out there, but was fun for all.
Finally it was late enough in the afternoon that it was Smith Christmas time. I didn't get many pictures. But managed to get Rowan and her buddy, Kate. The kids were so busy playing together, they barely had time for pictures.
And of course couldn't miss an opportunity for a picture of the 4 Ed's. Great Papa didn't want to catch any germs from all of the family, so he was armed with a mask most of the trip. Picture perfect.
Forgot about our stop at the John Deere pavilion after lunch as well. The kids could stop there every time we are in town. They love to look at and climb on all the big tractors. 

Friday, December 27, 2013

the Great's

Today we headed to Iowa to visit Great Grandpa Dick for a few hours. We got to have some pizza lunch together and visit. He got the kids an awesome remote controlled tractor. The kids had a blast with it, driving it over each other especially. And it wouldn't be an Iowa trip without the marble game.
Great Grandpa Dick and the kids... 
 Papa, Rowan and Kieran
When we were done in IA, it was back in the car to head to Moline. We checked into the hotel and then headed to Uncle Ted's retirement party. He retired from Chief of the Fire Department, so there was a fire truck there with some men visiting. So Ted showed the kids the truck. Eddie was shy and wouldn't put the helmet on, so Papa did it instead.
Most of the Smith Family was there, so we got to see Great Papa too.
After the retirement party we headed to Ed's cousins Don and Kelly's house to see their addition and visit for a few more hours with the family. Then it was back to the hotel to sleep before another busy day tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Morning...

These poor kids were patiently waiting for Mom to get home from work this morning. The downfall of being a nurse. I had to work both nights (eve and day). But they survived. Luckily they have a sliver of patience (not sure where they got it from though).
And Santa brought us all a few presents.
Our tree...Christmas 2013 
And can't forget about Gizmo, he got a few gifts too. And opened them all by himself.
Eddie has been so hooked on his Brewer baseball hat, and Peter said he needed a Packer hat, but couldn't find a baseball cap in his size, so they both ended up with winter Packer hats. Very cool.
So, we had some breakfast and played for a bit before I headed to bed to rest up before heading back to work at night.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Santa Came....

Wouldn't be the Hanson Christmas without a visit from Santa! And he even had some gifts ready for the kids before Christmas morning. All the kids did great, no crying by anyone. The kids were definitely checking him out when it wasn't their turn.
And the kids spoiled Miss Charlie again, and we managed to get Quinn in there too. The kids played very hard again today with all their 2nd cousins!

Knutson Family Christmas

We were at Grandpa Kris and Grandma Julie's bright and early this morning whipping up some bisquits and gravy at Aunt Amanda's request. Uncle Tim joined us for the day as well, and he approved of the breakfast choice. Once the stomach was full, we moved onto the tree full of presents. So many fun new toys for all.
The kids got these super cute headbands from Grandma Julie to wear too.
Grandpa Kris, Eddie, Grandma Julie and Rowan! 
The family...Christmas 2013 
 The family + Peter (Amanda's friend, haha)
Of course we spent the late morning and early afternoon playing with all the new things that were under the tree before moving onto the Hanson Open House. More to come.

Monday, December 23, 2013

fun fun fun

The house is a bit disasterous after a busy weekend and working last night but that's okay. Ed and the kids went to visit the Tetzlaff's who are in town for Christmas. So they were gone most of the morning playing at the Swan residence and snuggling baby Charlie. They brought home some McDonalds for lunch and then played with their new sand from Nana and Papa!
This was the best one of the few pics taken by Ed and Casey, sadly Quinn wasn't in it. And you really can't see Charlie, but oh well.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Knutson Extended Xmas

This afternoon, we headed to Grandpa Kris and Grandma Julie's house for the Knutson Christmas. I apparently didn't do a good job of taking pictures, but I did get this one! This is the first time in awhile that Grandma Audrey and Uncle Tim were home for Christmas. So was able to get a picture with Grandma and all the boys aka my uncles. The kids had fun playing, but we couldn't stay too late as I had to work at 11pm.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Nana and Papa Christmas 2013

Well we started the morning with some breakfast and quickly moved onto...you guessed it, presents! Hard to make the kids wait too long for those. As always we were all spoiled with way too many things. The kids were busy for quite some time with their new things.
Cousins...Christmas 2013 
Eddie and Rowan 
Lounging around... 
So after we snacked for lunch, us big kids left the children with Nana and Papa and we headed to Brennan's and then to our house, as Blayne and Molly hadn't seen it yet. While we were at our house and kidless, we decided to play some cards and have a few beverages. Then we moved on and stopped at the Nashotah Clubhouse for a beverage and some games before stumbling back to Nana and Papa's. We were gone for quite a few hours, not exactly what we had planned. But we had fun and some had a rough night, or Sunday (myself included). Not quite the game night that we usually have...next time.
Another fun and much needed weekend together, wishing we could do it more often.