Friday, November 29, 2013

The Chosen photos...

...for our Christmas Card 2013!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving...

We spent Thanksgiving with the Brembergers. Ron and Elaine joined us for a meal and a few games. And they brought their gifts for the kids as we missed their xmas a few weeks before because I was working.
We attempted to get a picture for our Christmas are a few outtakes...
Then their was the turkey we found....oh wait, just Eddie.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

cowboy and girl

Just another night at Grandpa Bill and Grandma Pam's house.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

school thanksgiving feast

Today was my day to volunteer in Rowan's classroom for the first time. And turned out to be the day they had Turkey Tacos too! Kids did lots of turkey like projects this morning, then had a lunch feast together.
Making a corn project with Juliana and Kesley!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Snow and skating

Loving the rosy cheeks after sometime in the snow today.
After school the kids played for a few minutes before turning into icicles.
Another night of skate tonight. So glad Rowan is enjoying it. She is quite the little skating star.
Here they are starting to learn to skate backwards.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

the weekend

We met Grandma Pam for lunch at the Chocolate Factory with Great Grandma and Grandpa. It sure was yummy, but very cold to be out frolicking around!
Rowan went to a birthday party today for her friend from class Meghan. It was a gymnastic party, Rowan enjoyed it! They ran, jumped, tumbled...etc. Very busy 1.5 hours.
And Karen dropped off some colored cookie dough she we baked the cookies, frosted and decorated this weekend too.

Friday, November 22, 2013

fun with friends

We were invited to the Ross's house for some fun tonight. Kids came in their jammies, played, danced, and watched a movie before heading home.


Eddie and I hung out with Grandma Julie on her day off today. We decorated Christmas cookies and had lunch together. Grandpa Kris stopped home to say hello as well.
What a better place to play trains then the laundry room floor by Gizmo's dishes. Not sure why we have a train table???

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


We are slowing adding little things around the house. Today, curtains! I found the perfect color curtains at World Market, but of course they weren't long enough for our 9 foot ceilings. So Nana was able to add a panel of a different color in order to get the length I needed. They look awesome!

Monday, November 18, 2013

more skating

Check out the leg warmers...gotta be cool like the older girls.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sawyer's 4th Birthday

Today we got to attend Sawyer's dinosaur party! Such fun and lots of green and dinos!

Monday, November 11, 2013

just another day in the rink...

...with some ice cream to warm up???

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Nothing like a little Turkey homework tonight. Ugh. I hope it never gets harder than this.
So thankful for these loves!

Monday, November 4, 2013

learn to skate

Snow Plow Sam 1, is the name of the first learn to skate class. Rowan is actually enrolled in the class, it is 7 weeks on Monday nights for 30 minutes. This is her first time ever even on skates. And she rocked it. She hardly fell (compared to the other 2 kids in her class) and when she did fall she easily got back up (other 2 struggled at times). Her balance was really good. She didn't really push it too much, but after class she practiced with Ed a bit and she went a bit faster then.
When Rowan was done, Ed took Eddie out on the ice for a bit, for his first time too. He wouldn't let go of Ed's hands at all. But he had fun. He didn't last long but he liked it.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

sMiTh FaMiLy

We headed to Illinois to get together with Ed's family this weekend. Was short, sweet and lot of fun. The kids sure love playing together. We started with swimming, then moved on to lunch and bowling. The kids did great with bowling. Loved it.
Bowling fools.
 Had to get a picture of all of the Pirates together. Oh and Peter Pan. So cute!
Rowan and Kieran...they are getting way too old (6 and 5)
 All of us! It is rare that we find time to get a picture of all of us together. We are getting better at it though. Kids just keep getting bigger...but us adults are staying the same...right?