Thursday, October 31, 2013


Ready for our final trick or treat...and it's raining. So we stopped at Karen and Doug's house and then to Grandpa and Grandma Knutson's. Couldn't leave out Eddie's 2 thumbs up...I must have mentioned the pizza we were going to eat at Grandma and Grandpa's.
And Rowan brought home her Halloween project from school!
One last pose in the cold and rain. Such cute Pirates we have!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

trick or treat #2

in Delafield, at Nana and Papa's house. And a few of their neighbors... but not many.
And spoiled Tulah even had a costume!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

pumpkins, parade, and trick or treat...

We started out our Saturday carving pumpkins...better late than never, right?
Then after nap, we headed to downtown Oconomowoc for the Halloween Parade. Kids got a few pieces of candy...remember to not sit near the end of the parade route next time, they definitely were low on candy.
A few pictures without the winter gear before our neighborhood gathering and trick or treat.

Not the best picture in the dark, but we were very successful trick or treating with Will, Haley and Owen. Cold by the end and didn't make it the full 2 hours, but we actually had candy left in our own bowl when we got home. Interesting.
Favorite picture of Izzy and Jake.
We will never spray their hair again...way too messy!

Friday, October 25, 2013

neighbor fun

We hosted a gathering at our house with a few of our fellow neighbor families. We had pizza, drinks, popples and fun! Kids had a blast as did us adults. To be repeated soon!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

project halloween

Not Halloween related...but we had a hybrid water filtration system installed today through Ed's employer. It is essentially a saltless water softener. Either way, our water is now super filtered. You could drink our toilet water even...Ha!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

more fall time

Some how I managed to purchase multiple Halloween shirts for here we start the wearing for the next few weeks! Too cute.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

photographer Rowan

This is what happens when Rowan gets to take pictures. These are the 3 of way too many that I kept...didn't think we needed pictures of random toys and beds and whatever else she got on film.

Big Boy

1st night was a success? Yesterday we took the front off of Eddie's crib. He hasn't climbed out yet, we just are ready to move on. He napped like a pro in his crib...woke up a few times during the night last night (only fell out once) but overall went back to sleep and stayed in his bed!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

punkins and dinner

More pics to come...but we started our day at Ebert's enjoying some fall fun. Got to do a train ride, some bouncy time, some pumpkin launching (well enough to win even) and bought some pumpkins to carve too. Then we had lunch with Nana and Papa at Sammy's Hot Dogs.
After lunch it was home for nap...then off for dinner for Peter's birthday. Yum Yum.

Friday, October 11, 2013

it's fall

Another evening hanging out in the Kowieski back yard! We are so thankful for our neighbors that share their yards and outdoor entertainment with us. Hopefully next summer we will be able to host all of these friends that have helped us out this year.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

just another day in...

Paradise, I mean Oconomowoc...
 We played at Owen and Emmett's house today after school. Was warm enough for the sun at least?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Rowan is neon!

Today was neon day at school...we did pretty well!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

silly saturday

We got our boots for our Halloween costumes had to try those on. Rowan was more than thrilled...NOT. There was lots of game playing, made some cookies, and to tolerate the games had to pop a bottle of wine. Wouldn't be normal if the kids weren't playing in poor gizmo's bed.

Great Aunt Karen shops

Rowan was promised a shopping day for back to school by Aunt Karen for her birthday. So today, Karen, the kids and I, headed shopping. And heaven forbid she just shop for Rowan...therefore Eddie made out pretty well too. After shopping we had some lunch at Culver's too. Then it was home for nap. Successful Saturday of shopping for the kids.

Friday, October 4, 2013

dinner and pool

We went out for fish tonight with Nana and Papa...and were able to play some pool and foosball too! Kids loved it. Although so did Dad...perhaps more than the kids?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

new furniture

Waiting for these couches has been the longest wait ever! We ordered these on June 6th! Delay after delay...they are finally here. We finally have adequate seating in our living room now. Did manage to find a rug yesterday but not sure I am 100% sold on it yet. Sort of isn't the color scheme I was hoping for. Time will tell.