Saturday, August 31, 2013

1st movie theatre

Today was the first movie in a theatre experience for both kids. We saw the Disney movie, Planes. Overall it went well. Rowan did great, minus the 2-3 times she had to go potty. And Eddie got antsy the last 30 minutes, so probably had 5+ suckers to keep him still and quiet at the end. But really he was fine. The movie was very cute and Rowan wanted to know when she could see it again.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Pewaukee Beach

Last wet stop for the summer is....the beach. First time this year for us at Pewaukee Beach, and it was lots of fun. We played in the sand, swam in the lake...and then headed out for lunch with Grandma Pam who was in town. Forgot to bring the sand toys, so we got a few buckets and cups courtesy of Karen and Dougs house, hope they don't miss them.
Grandma Pam came to spend the night with us tonight too, so she got roped into painting nails with the kids. Good thing she enjoys it. Kids love it.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

goofy boy

So we finally got Gizmo a new dog bed. But it seems as though Gizmo isn't ever the first person you see in it. Nothing like hanging in a dog bed in your diaper with your sunglasses on.

retaining wall, steps and seed

We've had lots of action outside our house for the last few days. Diggers and shovels and dirt, oh my! We had our gutters buried, a retaining wall placed, grass seed laid and some mulch too. It is a start. Much more to come next summer when the funds are built back up! Yikes. Let the watering begin.

last pool date

Today was our last chance to swim with our friends before school starts next week. Wasn't the sunniest of days, but it was still warm enough to swim! Fun Fun.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

splash pad repeat

Today we met up with our neighbors at the Splash Pad in Hartland for another day in the water. Trying to live it up before school starts next week. Eddie was way more into the fountains today than our last visit. He was a running splashing machine! He and Aly were buds running about.
Rowan was just happy to be playing with her 'friends'. She was dressed and had her suit and cover up in hand at 7am this morning ready to play again.
Loving the water and fun with their friends. Hard to keep any of the kids close at the splash pad. Aly was both of their buddies today.

Meet and Greet

This afternoon was the opportunity to meet Rowan's Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Day. We brought all her supplies to drop off, found our way around her room, and even found her backpack hook. She chose hot lunch (a hot dog) for the first day of school and chocolate milk of course too. It was HOT outside today, so the un-airconditioned basement classroom was a bit steamy, but we all survived. Can't believe the 1st day is a week away.

Monday, August 26, 2013

neighbor fun

We spent the morning cleaning the house after I worked all weekend. But we headed out just before lunchtime to take Gizmo potty, and managed to meet up with all our neighbors a few houses down as they were planning to get together and play in the water! So we joined in for a few hours. We had a couple pools and a slip and slide. Kids had lots of fun. We potlucked it for lunch, and splashed around to stay cool. So lucky to have fun neighbors again!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

splish splash the Schuett family pool!
Another day playing in Mukwonago with our extended family. Fun fun!

Monday, August 19, 2013

last day of dance...

Tonight was the last class of Pee Wee Princess Dance...
it was nice entertainment for Rowan to get through the summer but pretty sure I won't waste my money on it again. It was a good 30 min of interaction and that was about it. I think it was hard because Rowan as one of the oldest in the class and one of not many that actually paid attention and tried. So maybe something different next year. But she enjoyed it.
Papa got a new John Deere riding lawn mower, so we were lucky enough to get their old one since we are nice and close and the company delivering their new one was willing to drop the old one off here on their way back (they are a mile down the road) Sure will be nice when we have grass! Sooner than later!
Wouldn't be a normal day without acting silly and riding in the Jeep.
And...some more corn on the cob for the summer!

7 year Anniversary

Happy Anniverary to Us!
And to many more...
Ed definitely showed me up this year. We had decided to not buy gifts considering the new house, appliances, desk, etc etc was enough for our family. So we did dinner last night and that was supposed to be it. But he came home with flowers tonight. Probably first time since we've been married, but who's paying attention! I had looked up what the 7 year Hallmark gift was, and the modern one listed was a desk set. And we just purchased a new desk for our office, so I thought that was perfectly unplanned for this 7 year anniversary. Oh well, I will have to make up for it next year.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Date night

One thing that Ed and I were hoping to accomplish with moving closer to home and family was a more regular/frequent date night. We've been back for 4 months, and this is our first successful night away, and it took our anniversary for us to do it, but hopefully we will continue it. Our anniversary is actually tomorrow night, but Rowan has her last dance class and we didn't want to be heading out after that during the week, so we decided on Sunday instead.
So we got Aunt Amanda and her boyfriend Peter to come over and watch the kids so we could get away for a few hours. We made a few shopping stops and then headed to PF Changs for dinner. After dinner we stopped at Cold Stone for ice cream before heading home. It was a lovely night away!

freezing pool day

Thankfully it was hot enough for the frigid pool temps to not make such a difference. The pool was barely 68 degrees today! Brrrr...but we all went in anyway. Needed to get the kids out of the house, so to Grandma Julie's and Grandpa Kris's pool we went. Just for a few hours, then home for nap.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

dinner with Uncle Mitch

Uncle Mitch came over tonight to see our house and visit one last time before leaving for school next week. So we headed out to Five Guys for dinner. We will all miss him. And now he won't be coming home in the summer anymore more than likely.


Today we headed to Flabbergast in Sussex with Nana. She bought a Groupon and offered for us to try it out. The kids really had lots of fun. They got to go down a few slides, jump in the bounce house, go through the maze, and even play some games. And of course with games come tickets which ends up in a few cheap prizes as well. Definitely have to come back sometime. Perhaps on a rainy day!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


A few pictures of our blonde babes in their prime. Eddie in his Jeep and Rowan acting like a princess! Getting too old too fast.

catching up

Today we were able to get together with some of my old friends from St. Joe's! I will have to dig back to the archives to find a picture of Ella holding Rowan when she was a baby. Seems like yesterday we were getting together with all babies, and now our babies are so grown up. We walked over to Amy's house (she lives in the other side of the subdivision) and Carolyn joined us with her twin girls too! Such fun. We played inside and outside, had some lunch, and then Amy and the girls walked home with us so we could give them a tour or our new place. Can't wait to do it again soon.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

school bound

Next weekend Uncle Mitchell leaves for school in MN so we got together for a little cookout today to see him and say good bye until next time. We played some washers, kids did a little swimming, had some dinner and a bon fire too. Before we knew it, it was way past our bedtimes! I can't believe it is already almost September and school is right around the corner. Ugh!