Friday, May 31, 2013


Rowan finally decided that she wanted to have her ears pierced, thanks to Taylor and Jordyn! So we were at the Pediatrician yesterday for a meet and greet and decided to schedule an ear piercing for today. The perk of the Pediatrician, aside from knowing it was a clean place to have it done, is they do it with both doctors at the same time, one on each ear.
The longest part of the entire process was getting the dots drawn on in the right spot on each ear. Rowan didn't even cry, she was a bit taken aback after the pokes were done, but I think she held her tears in because of the doctors and nurse in the room.
She was very 'brave'!
After getting her ears pierced, she got to play with Clay and Maison. Not everyone was very happy to have their pictures taken today!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

house is....

...coming along.

We have officially been locked out of the house. So in order to see what is going on inside we need to stop by during the day. Some of these pictures are a little older, but I couldn't keep up, so just posted them in bulk.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Taylor has been helping us out with our babysitting needs this summer. And today the kids were lucky enough to get to play with the Schuett kids! This was a picture that Taylor sent me of Rowan and Breyson. Can't believe that these 2 are soon to be 5 years old (well technically Breyson already is 5, and Rowan will be soon).

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

R and T

Rowan sort of treats Tulah like the sister she doesn't have. Even if she is hairy and has 4 legs. Rowan dresses her up, smothers her, and she takes is all like a champ. Pretty cute.

Monday, May 27, 2013


Usually we walk during the day with Nana if possible. But Nana was out of town this weekend. So we coaxed Ed into walking with us. Things went quite well. This photo op was the short portion of the walk where we let Eddie and Rowan out of the stroller. Otherwise the 3 mile walk would take us hours.

We were able to have a bonfire when Nana and Papa got home on Monday. We also managed to squeeze in a trip to a Frozen Yogurt place in Pewaukee. The name escapes me at the moment, BerrySimple? maybe? It was pretty yummy, thanks to Groupon for this half price treat.

Monday, May 20, 2013

hair did...

Rowan went to the Yellow House today to have her hair cut. And last time Grandma Pam came to babysit, she brought Rowan a purple hair extension to have put in her hair, so she had that added as well. She sure is a styling girl. We will see how long this one stays in. Her last pink one barely lasted a week!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pre-wedding weekend

This weekend we were in the Quad cities for Ben's Bachelor Party and Kristin's Bridal Shower.
Ed and Papa left early Saturday morning to be in IA for paintball at 10am. After paintball they cooked out in the afternoon at the Hott house before heading to a baseball game, casino and whatever other man liked festivities.
Us ladies (and Eddie) arrived in the afternoon. Visiting at the Prybil household first, then off to dinner with many Smith's. Played some more at the Hott house before heading to bed for the night. Then we were up Sunday morning to swim, and then head over to Great Papa and Great Grandma Jan's for a quick visit before the bridal shower.
There were so many kids everywhere we went, the kids had a ton of fun. Too bad the weather wasn't a bit nicer, but it didn't really phase the children.

A few pics, mostly from Tara's house below.
Borrowed these pictures from the paintball page on facebook. Such a fun picture for the men.
And Ed 3 in action!
Like usual before we knew it we were on our way back home. A quick busy visit like usual. We will be back in June for the wedding!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

1st Zoo trip of 2013

Today the weather was warm and beautiful. The kids and I took a trip to the zoo for the first time this year. We bought a zoo pass for the first time ever, so will make more trips to the zoo this year probably than ever. The kids had a good time.
Today was also Papa's birthday. So we made him some brownies and sang to him. We have sure raised some good singers.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's day

This morning we headed out for breakfast with Nana and Papa. Then we headed over to our favorite pastime aka our new house in progress. Today we were surprised to see that all of the drywall has been hung! Still working on the siding! The fireplace has been installed as well as the furnace! Things are moving along!
When we got home from the house, Ed mowed the lawn for Nana. And then Nana and I headed to the mall quick while Papa, Ed and the kids napped. Or watched golf or whatever. I got a credit for some new jeans for Mother's Day, so I took the time to run and get some. When we got back from shopping, Sue and I took the dogs for a walk as the kids were still sleeping! And they were still sleeping at 430pm. So we made some dinner and relaxed, and then headed to the Kiltie for ice cream! Nice day for this spoiled mother!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Cushing Park

Since it has been warm outside the last few days finally, we have had to plan our walks a little bit because of the hot sun (really just for the dogs sake). So today, Nana said we could go walk on a shaded path in Cushing park, well she failed to mention the huge awesome play area at this park as well. We did manage to take a short walk, but most of the time was consumed with play time. Gail and Maison from next door met us there too. So we played until we were too hot and hungry, and then headed back to eat lunch outside and have popples before naptime.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Kenadee and Crystal


We stopped in to check on the progress of the siding today! We also took Luis (his landscape company did Nana and Papa's patio) to show him what our wants and needs will be so he can give us a quote for a patio and possible firepit and eventually grass!
I am so glad that I made the last minute decision to change the siding color. I love it (so far). I know it isn't done but it is perfect. Originally I was going with a lighter gray because I didn't want to spend money to upgrade the outside of the house, also expecting it to be a lot to upgrade siding because there is so much of it. But really, it wasn't very expensive! So that made the decision even easier.

Monday, May 6, 2013

concrete and insulation

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Brewers game

Today the kids went to hang out with Grandpa Kris, Grandma Julie and Aunt Amanda, while Ed and I headed to the Brewer game. Was a beautiful day for a game, little brisk at times, but nice and sunny.