Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Friday, April 26, 2013


We intruded the Swan family celebration tonight to see everyone. Casey and Quinn were home for a family baby shower, so they celebrated Taylor's birthday early too. So we hung out and played. The Schuett's brought their bounce house and the kids loved it. Of course there weren't any good pictures, but you can see all the fun they had.

Maison and Clay

Rowan and Eddie are thrilled to play with neighbor Gail's grandsons! So glad that we have kids close to play with, has made leaving our neighbors in Neenah a bit more tolerable. Of course no one will ever replace them though!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


We went to play with the Schuett kiddos today! The sun was out, but the wind was still a bit chilly, so we weren't outside for too long. So most of our playing was done indoors, but fun was had no matter what.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Packing and Loading

Well, the end is here. Barrett moving arrived Wednesday and packed up all of our stuff, something that was supposed to take a day and a half was done in one day. And the loading that was also supposed to take a day and a half was also done in one day. Therefore, the last night we were supposed to sleep in our house (Thursday night) was spent in a hotel instead. We needed to stay in Neenah because we had our closing papers to sign on Friday, and we wanted Rowan to be able to go to school on her last day as well.
So we spent the evening at the Freier household with our neighbors and then headed to the Holiday Inn Express for the night to sleep. We ordered pizza and had a few beverages with our neighbors and their kids. It was quite sad to say goodbye!
Rowan on her last day of school with her teachers, Mrs. Ugoretz and Miss Thompson. And her good friend Kaylee too, her parents are tall if you couldn't tell.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

packing day

The day is here! At one point it seemed so far away, and now it seems like it came so fast. Eddie was a little grumpy for the packing ladies. I think he was confused since they were packing all his toys! He got over it.
 The packing ladies say they will be done packing today, and they don't seem to think it will take them 2 days to load either. So we may be sleeping in a hotel tomorrow night instead. We will see.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Grandma Time

Rowan liked the librarian look with Grandma Pam's glasses today. Such a silly girl.
Grandma is staying an extra night with us so that she can be at our house for us while I run Rowan to and from school with the moving company coming tomorrow. So we took advantage and went shopping this afternoon! The kids did surprisingly well, could be because Grandma spoiled them tooooo...much. I think we all came home with a little something.
And of course Grandma let them go on a couple rides too.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Quite impressive what one more day looks like on progress too.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

rain rain go away

Despite the week of rain and cold here in Neenah, there must have been a dry day or two in Oconomowoc because there has been some progress. Yay!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Rowan is awesome because...

...because there were a few weeks in winter where the kids got a bit unruly and mean to each other, they started a daily routine of saying something nice about each other. This is what they all had to say about Rowan...one of them said, she is pretty....and it was a boy! Watch out for Wyatt!
And since it had been awhile since we had the camera out, we snapped one of the million dollar children!

Thursday, April 11, 2013


We got to play tonight with the neighbors for a bit before dinner time. The kids love getting together and making a mess. Next week will be our last rendezvous before we move! We sure will miss our neighbors, big and small.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

eddie's girlfriend

Sloane is so sad that her boyfriend is moving away. Too funny that she tells her mommy that Eddie is her boyfriend. Nothing like a little dress up after lunch. At least he went for the black version this time. Soon enough he will have Rowan into the boy stuff instead of him in the girl stuff!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Brewers

We made the trip back today in the afternoon for a few reasons. We took a load of stuff to Nana and Papa's house in preparation for moving. We stopped by the house to see how the building was going. And then Ed and I went to the Brewer game in the evening.
The kids loved walking around the building site. They didn't want to leave. We were able to meet a couple that will live 2 houses down from us. Talked with them for quite awhile. So that was nice, they were very welcome and had many nice things to say about the area and neighbors. They have 2 kids that are about a year younger than both Eddie and Rowan.
Pictures are on the camera, to be posted later. 
We arrived at the Brewer game right as it was starting. We parked in general parking, so had a hike to get into the game, and a hike to our seats. So we got some food and beer and watched an inning or two, met up with Mitchell and visited with him for a bit. Had another beer and some flavored nuts and then were on our way home. We didn't want to get home too late since I was on call at 7am. So we picked up the kids from Nana and Papas and headed home. We pulled in about 10:30pm and were off to bed.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

movin' up...

Rowan graduated today from Eel to Ray in swim lessons! Initially Rowan's teacher thought she might benefit from one more session of Eel, but she did so well in class today that she last minute decided to pass her onto the next level! Too bad she will be doing that at a different YMCA with a different instructor. Hopefully she does just as well there.
Eddie actually graduated too, from Goldfish to Sunfish!
And another new house picture while we are at it.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

walls walls walls

Another house update. Ed stayed in town tonight, so he swung by to check on the progress. Pretty exciting. He even met one of the neighbors!
Our address stone came in this week too, so Ed picked it up after work tonight!