Wednesday, February 27, 2013

sticky painting

We did some condensed milk painting tonight. It was fun for the kids to work with, but super sticky to clean up. And it took days for the artwork to dry. But it was glossy and fun colors! They had fun. Daddy stayed at Nana and Papa's tonight, so he missed the sticky fun.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Lake Geneva Fun

Yesterday morning we headed to Lake Geneva to spend the weekend at a water park with the Smith Family to celebrate Grady, Dusty and Eddie's birthdays!
We started by meeting for lunch at Sprecher's, then we were able to check into the hotel and get situated before hitting the water park. Had to get our snacks and beverages organized of course.
The waterpark was perfect for the kids. Not too big and not too small. There was a slide that you rode a tube down that Rowan, Kieran and Grady loved. They even got Uncle Dusty to go down too. Then there was the lazy river that was enjoyed by all as well. But the big hit was the hot tub that was indoor/outdoor. We were a bit illegal letting the kids go in the hot tub because apparently in Wisconsin you are supposed to be 6 in order to go in, and of course all the kids loved it.
We ordered some pizza for a late dinner/snack, played some games and then it was time for bed.

Sunday we were up and did gifts, cupcakes and coffee before getting back in the water for a couple more hours before heading home. When check out time came, we packed up, stopped for a quick lunch and then were all on our way home. So much fun to see everyone, wise we were all closer so we could do it more often. Once we move we will be a little closer.
Nana and Papa (well mostly Nana) made the kids fish and fishing poles! There are magnets in the fish and on the end of the pole, so they can go fishing and put the fish in their own bucket! Pretty cute. Kids loved it.

Friday, February 22, 2013

snow balls

Nothing like snowblowing, snow ball throwing, and swinging in snow. Especially when you can do it with your long lost neighbor Christopher! Just isn't the same as summer, then someone would have come out with a beer to share! I guess we will have to settle for hot chocolate.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

fondue fun

We had our late Valentine's family dinner tonight, Fondue! This was a first time for us as a family, and honestly probably only the 2nd time in 5 years that we've used the fondue pot. It was quite tasty, lengthy, but tasty. Kids had fun too. They got to come and go from the table, which they love, and snack here and there on meat, veggies, fruit, and carbs. Quadruple bonus.
Excuse the iphone pictures. Better than nothing.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

We started out the day with swim lessons! Both kids got suckers from their instructor! Suckers are their secret obsession. We even skipped playing in Adventure Alley because they wanted to eat their suckers right away.
Our little Luv Bugs!
Wouldn't be Valentine's day without making some sweets! We made some tasty pink cupcakes! Again, the kids had no problem stirring and cleaning!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

goldfinch progress?

Nana Sue was in the area, so she stopped to look in on our lot...There are now flags up so they are progressing towards digging...we think? It should be started by the end of the month in order to fit in the 6-8 week time frame we were given. We will see!

pre-valentine stuff

The kids got a sweet package in the mail from Nana and Papa today...
Then tonight we had a pre-valentine dessert snack. Ice cream cherry 7-up floats!

Friday, February 8, 2013

surprise visit

We stopped at the store on our way home from school today to get a phone call from Aunt Karen wondering if we were home because she was in the driveway. We were on our way home! She stopped on her way up north, had some lunch with us (gourmet of course, mac n cheese and grilled cheese) and before we knew it she was on her way home and we were napping! So glad she stopped to visit even if it was brief.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

more more more

We have sort of lost track of how much snow we have gotten when. Seems like every week we are shoveling or snowblowing some sort of snow. But the kids never get sick of playing in it!

Monday, February 4, 2013

oh boy...

Isn't this what you do with this thing?

Sunday, February 3, 2013


They always seem to be around when it comes to 'cleaning' up.

long overdue

I have really been slacking on pictures lately. I think I take so many over the holidays that I get burnt out. But today it was nice and bright in the house and the kids coordinated accidentally. So we went for it. Not too bad. Wish it would warm up so we could take some pictures outside. Soon maybe?
Cutest of the bunch... being kids.