Monday, August 27, 2012

Lunchtime fun

Today the kids and I had lunch with a few of the girls I work with (Jess, Heather and Brooke) We had Noodles to go at our house so that Sloane, Rowan and Eddie could play. And that they did. Pool, sandbox, swingset, the weather was great for all of it.
We aren't able to make Sloane's birthday party this weekend, so we got a giant cookie to share for her birthday today, thus the blue lips in some of the pictures.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Park stop

Today after dropping Gizmo off at the groomer and running a couple errands, we went to the park for an hour before heading back to pick up Gizmo. The kids had fun. It wasn't too busy and there was enough for Eddie to play on as well. As we were getting ready to leave, it started to get busier, so it was perfect timing.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

6 years, princesses and corn

Today, Ed and I celebrated 6 years of marriage!
Tinkerbell joined us for dinner.
And Eddie enjoyed his first personal ear of corn.
We didn't have corn all summer, and now had it the last 3 days straight. Not sure why we waited so long to have it, it is soooo...good.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Go Gophers!

Today we spent the day in Pewaukee grilling out with some close family to say goodbye and good luck to Uncle Mitchell as he leaves for school in MN in a week. He bought both kids a Gophers shirt, so they wore it, so we made him put on his shirt for a photo op. Turned out darn cute. Both kids cooperated very well.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


This is what Great Aunt's and Uncle's get to do with our kids!!!
Karen and Doug came tonight to watch the kids tomorrow while I sleep after working tonight. And they brought cupcakes. With BLUE frosting. What a mess! And of course all Rowan ate, was the frosting.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Weekend with the Smith's

First picture of all the grandkids together...pretty successful, thanks to Molly and photoshop!
We planned this weekend so that we could get us all together for a change and enjoy the outdoors. The only time we are all together for sure is sometime around Christmas, and we are stuck indoors. So we brought some outdoor activities and shared the weekend with the flies! Nana and Papa had their patio redone this spring as well, so this was the first hurrah with the patio as well. So we had bonfires and smores, celebrated Rowan and Kieran's birthdays, and the kids just got to play. Of course the dogs too. We left Gizmo off at Karen and Doug's so he was one less thing for us to worry about, although he sure would have loved to play with all the other dogs. Maybe next time.
Instead of having birthday cake, Nana had tons of ice cream for the kids. So we had ice cream both friday and saturday night. We brought the waterslide, but it wasn't really hot enough to use it. That hose water is frigid if it isn't super hot out. Rowan got to hold her new cousin Madden for the first time. I didn't get to hog him much as my son was a bit jealous and clingy most of the weekend. Aunt Jill joined us for the day on Saturday to hang out and catch up as well. Linda and Stud Muffin joined us on Saturday evening as well. So nice to be able to catch up with everyone.
We brought all the big kids bikes, and of course the lawn mower for Eddie. So they were busy riding bikes most of the time, or running in and out of the house letting millions of flies in. That is all we did all weekend was kill flies. Then Ed took all the big kids for rides on the tractor. Eddie was scared and wouldn't get near it.
I shouldn't say we didn't have cake, Nana made these delicious oreo brownies that we used to sing Happy Birthday to our now 4 and 5 year olds. Seems like yesterday we were doing the 1 and 2 year old celebrating at Nana and Papa's house.
The kids thankfully slept great. Not sure if it was all the outdoors and playing, or just that maybe they are getting old enough that they sleep ok away from home. I am thinking its the fresh air. Wish we could do this more often, the kids love playing with each other. Madden will be in the mix next year.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

cloudy day?

As much as I LOVE summer, I never realized how nice it would be to be outside when it's overcast for a change. And to not need to lather the kids in sunscreen. Makes for good lighting too. If only they didn't act goofy when clicking pictures. Love Eddie's scrunchy face!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

finger painting

1st time with finger paints this summer. Eddie was way more into it this time. He thought it was quite yucky the first time. Rowan was all about mixing all the colors. And full hand prints with the brown concoction.
I don't think we have any famous painters on our hands quite yet.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

playdate day...

Today, Beth (a co-worker of mine) and her daughter, Lauren, came over for lunch and to play. Ever since I started working at Children's, Beth and I have talked about getting the girls together to play! Finally, 2+ years later, we did it. Lauren is a couple months older than Rowan, and after warming up, they got along great. Eddie didn't have a problem tagging along either. They introduced us to an easy pizza lunch for kids! Rowan and Eddie loved it. We hope to get together again soon.