Tuesday, November 30, 2010

1st dentist visit

...which was not planned at all!

When I was at the dentist 6 months ago, we were discussing when Rowan should have her first visit, and they said around 3. But that it wouldn't hurt to bring her along to one of our visits so she could get used to the idea of the dentist, and maybe they would count her teeth and get her acquainted.

So today, I had an appointment, and I took Rowan with me. I was a bit anxious about it because I was worried she was going to be running around the office, and not sit still and misbehave. So I brought the portable dvd player to entertain her with, and they had books for her to read and what not. So I got her set up on a chair right next to the exam chair with her dvd player (with Frosty the Snowman, her choice of the moment) and a book she had picked in the waiting room. The dental hygenist was very good about involving Rowan and explaining what she was doing to me and what not, but all of a sudden Rowan's lip curled out and she started pouting and crying for me, so she ended up sitting on my lap (below the bump of course) for part of my cleaning, then she was up and down between the dvd (now with cereal and juice for a snack too) and my lap. But she was well behaved.

So then when my visit was about done I started asking again about when to bring her, and the hygenist said anytime at this point. She had checked her day, and she had no one scheduled after me, so if I wanted her to count her teeth and let her sit in the chair, she would see what Rowan would let her do. Needless to say, Rowan did very well, with a little bribery on and off, but essentially she had her 1st full dental visit. The actual polishing of teeth was only minutes long, but she did get all of them, and the doctor even got to take a peek at her mouth. The hygenist made the mistake of giving Rowan a plastic cup, and showing her the water squirter and suction, so they were spraying water in the cup and sucking it out. Rowan thought it was the coolest thing and probably would have done it all day. It was funny too, everything that went near her mouth, she had to help hold, so the mirror, the water, the suction, the polisher (I know, I know my dental terms!), you name it, she had her hand on it. And even though they offered her some of their sunglasses, we happened to still have some in the diaper bag, so she wore her own for a bit!
It was very cute, and I am very proud of how well she did. So now we had to make appointments for all 3 of us next summer! Plus, we will have another one to tote along as well. Could be interesting!

Monday, November 29, 2010

christmas tree and a choo choo too...

We got the tree up tonight. And Rowan was quite the helper! Ever since the stores have had Christmas trees up and decorated, Rowan has been rather fascinated by them. She always yells, 'christmas tree', when she sees one. So it was cute to see her excitement when we got ours out. And of course, same with her dad, the train was the biggest hit! Ed spent more time putting the train back on the track after Rowan would try to turn it on or off and knock it off the track! It even has a remote control, which Rowan is a big fan of as well!

Video to come, of Rowan and the train!

24 weeks

and going strong...
I remember at my 20 week ultrasound, knowing that my next appointment was 5 weeks away (which seemed too far) seemed like forever, but now it is only a week away! Crazy. Still plenty of pregnant time left, thank god, because I am not sure I am ready for 2 yet. And the room isn't ready, and all those other things!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

happy thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was nice and laid back at home, probably for the first time in a long time. Usually we are at someone elses house. But there really wasn't time to travel this year. So Grandma Pam and Grandpa Bill came to us! We watched the Macy's Parade in the morning, had a nice breakfast, played a lot, had our turkey meal at lunch time. Took a short nap. Played some more. Munched a little, and then off to bed it was because Ed had to work on Friday early, and Grandma Pam and I had plans to shop early in the morning! We will see if that happens! I have to work tomorrow night at 7pm, so I am hesitant to miss out on much needed sleep!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

the gifts begin

Grandpa Bill and Grandma Pam came to spend Thanksgiving with us, and didn't come empty handed. Imagine that!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

catching up

Rowan has slept until almost 7am the last 2 days, and taken 2+ hour naps. Clearly she was lacking in sleep after our fun weekend! Here she is watching one of her shows. Think she is relaxed?

Monday, November 22, 2010

23 weeks

Again, another uneventful week! Perhaps something I should be happy for. Doctor visit in 2 weeks! Going to tour St. Elizabeth Hospital this week!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

wedding ad-ons

Here are the boys at their best for the rehearsal dinner. The look on Dusty's face on the bottom right was classic!
 And our photobooth fun...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

cutest flower girl, ever...

So Aunt Julie's big day begins...

We joined the ladies in the Presidential Suite for hair and makeup!

Here is Rowan's first 'up-do', although it wasn't up, but it was definitely done! Thankfully it was a laid back environment in Aunt Julie's Suite, so her impatience was allowed! But overall she did very well!
 Here is the final touches, make-up, dress and all! Super cute!
 We got to ride in the limo bus to the church with the groomsmen and grandparents! Rowan loved it. She was looking out the window waving to people. And was interested in her Daddy's flask as well!
 And Tada...she even made it down the aisle! No tears! Or bribery! But we only made it through about 5 minutes of the ceremony before she saw her Daddy up on the altar and was whining for him. Then we made our exit! So I did miss out on most of the ceremony. We did come back in and sat in the back eventually but we were in and out in order to keep the ceremony quiet!
 We got a few pictures after the wedding, but not many. It was difficult to get good pictures in the church without a flash. But I think we have at least one good one! Excited to see the photographers pictures!
 Between the ceremony and dinner/reception, there was a significant amount of time, so we went back to the hotel and changed out of our dresses and managed to get about an hour nap in. Also got to visit with some family and friends that were there, and then it was time to get back into our dresses for cocktail hour and dinner. But really, Rowan only cared about the dancing!

It was difficult to entertain the kids during the dinner and speeches, because like most weddings, it gets long and drawn out. So they ended up running around the dance floor. But she made it through. And actually went strong until about 10pm when she finally fell asleep on my shoulder while dancing. She was a dancing machine. She was going up to people she didn't know and grabbing their legs and dancing with them. I have never gotten so many compliments on how cute she was and well behaved! In my mind she wasn't the best behaved but given the circumstances, she did pretty well.
A few highlights from the day:
I didn't do a good job of photographing many of the little things. But they didn't have a cake, they had a Cold Stone Creamery Sundae Bar! That was an awesome idea! Rowan was too busy to even partake!

They also had a photobooth that Rowan was mesmerized by, even though half the time she didn't smile because she was too busy looking at the screen counting down!

To my knowledge the day went off without any issues! Julie looked beautiful! This was the first wedding Rowan has ever attended, and man am I exhausted! Didn't help that Ed was in the wedding too, so he wasn't always available to help with her either. But we did all survive! And I hope we didn't interupt too many things throughout the weekend! We all had lots of fun and are so happy to have Julie officially a part of the family!

Friday, November 19, 2010

to chicago we go

Today we headed to Chicago to start the Wedding Celebrating for Dusty and Julie. We left home about 1115am, and met Karen and Doug in Wauwatosa to drop Gizmo with them for the weekend as we continued our travels to Illinois! We managed to arrive at The Westin around 230pm! Had some time to visit with family and friends before getting ready for the rehearsal at the church and then the rehearsal dinner.

Rehearsal at the church went fine, the kids walked down the aisle, which was hopefully a sign they will succeed for the actual wedding as well! Ed and Blayne made quite an appearance at the church, although I am lacking the pictures to prove it. For Blayne and Molly's rehearsal (which was cowboy themed) Dusty came as a gay cowboy dressed in daisy duke jean shorts. For our rehearsal (hawaiian themed) Dusty came shirtless and in a bold hawaiian pants outfit, therefore Ed and Blayne owed him an appearance. The original plan was to come in Dumb and Dumber like suits, but that didn't work out. So they went for a rough tattooed look complete with chains and spikes and piercings, etc. I hope to get some more pictures from Molly of the ensembles! Everyone else was dressed up at the rehearsal, so needless to say, they stuck out a bit!
Rehearsal dinner took place at Haray Caray's across the street from The Westin, so that was convenient! Dinner was great and we were in the upper level so Rowan was able to run around a bit. She was totally into all of the Christmas trees that they had decorated! Rowan got her first American Doll piece for being in the wedding, A Bitty Baby! Super cool!

It was very helpful to have cousins and aunts and uncles around to help keep an eye on and entertain Rowan, she was quite spoiled! We managed to get her to bed just before 10pm, hoping for her to sleep in! But 6am is sleeping in for her!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

spoiled girl, as usual

Grandma Pam was here today to watch Rowan this morning while I was on call, and once my call shift was done, us ladies headed to the mall. And despite Christmas being merely a month away, Rowan made a haul courtesy of Grandma Pam! She got a couple new outfits and some new Build A Bear outfits too. Oh, and a singing and dancing Frosty the Snowman! Here are the 2 new outfits on Moosey and Pink Bear! And Rowan being a good smiler!

Monday, November 15, 2010


The swingset mulch job is officially complete. Now we just get to look forward to a new coat of stain in the spring. Hopefully birthing a baby will get me out of this job, probably not though!

twenty-two weeks

Not much else to share. Another week down. I have found myself suffering from reflux already this pregnancy. And I don't sleep well with such high elevation, but it is better than puking, or the burning sensation in my throat. Didn't brave the scale today, maybe next week!

more cookies

Guess who got to help make cookies with the mixer today...
She loves it and asks me to get the camera and take her picture. Only time ever in her life probably!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

go badgers

Karen and Doug came today to watch Rowan for us because again, we both had to work. Difference today is Rowan was Doug's buddy! Karen didn't get much of her attention. They brought her a new Badger shirt and the game Candy Land! Supposedly she was an angel for them and they really enjoyed themselves. We really appreciate them coming up here at the butt crack of dawn to watch her for us!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

OshKosh Holiday Parade

Tonight we went to the Holiday Parade and Tree lighting in OshKosh. We ended up planning our trip perfectly. We found a spot on the street to sit around 545pm, got a hotdog, chips and hot chocolate, and the people very quickly filled in behind us. The parade started at 630pm. The weather was pretty balmy, but did get chilly near the end of the parade. I think it ended up being about an hour and a half long!

There were a few OshKosh Corporation trucks in the parade. One of which was what Santa came in on, his sleigh and reindeer rotated! Pretty neat!
Rowan was afraid of the bands at the Memorial Day parade, but seemed to be fine with them at this parade. She danced along with them!
Rowan enjoyed the parade so much we are thinking about attending the Appleton Holiday Parade as well. We will have to see what the weather is like when that one rolls around, the week of Thanksgiving. Apparently it is even bigger and better! I don't think I would fair super cold weather well, so we will see.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

2 years and 4 months

Granted I take plenty of pictures of Rowan, I haven't been good at posting monthly, or any other steady timing in a long time. So since the weather was nice today and I was able to get her outside and an attempt at a smile, this is what we got.
Gizmo was at the groomer this morning, and Rowan was so concerned about when he would be ready to get picked up. So cute. Despite all the tormenting she does to him, she really does love him.

21 week comparison

Here is 21.1 weeks with Rowan's pregnancy...
and 21.2 weeks with current pregnancy...
Someone at work last night said, "are you sure there is only 1 in there?" Funny, haha!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

no tears

Today Rowan got her 1st Flu shot, and I was a bit anxious about it! This was the first time I had taken her in just to have something painful done. And also the first time without the pacifier. So I didn't know how she was going to react. Not that the pacifier took away all the tears or pain in the past, but it was her soothing method. So this time, we took a baby along, and I had some chocolate for afterwards.

And truly, she did awesome. She said 'owie' when she got stuck, and her eyes welled up a bit and the lip tremored briefly, but that was it. No crying or screaming at all. Let's not tell her about the second one in another month!

Can't believe they didn't have any cute bandaids for a 2 year old!