Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ride 'em Tulah...

The things that her Daddy teaches her! (bottom right, sorry so small)

And Rowan doesn't think ornaments belong on the tree. She likes to wear her new bling ornament (courtesy of Aunt Amanda) as a bracelet, but we have overused the word NO today, to keep her paws off of the ornaments on the tree! She will learn!

Christmas Spirit...

Well, this weekend was Christmas kickoff in the Smith household. Although, we have never missed our own tree so much! Needless to say, Papa and Nana's tree was frustrating and time consuming.

Every year since they have owned their tree (3 years now) they have had to replace strands of lights (it is a prelit tree) because they don't work when reassembled! So of course, this year didn't fail, 2 strands were out. So the first plan of action was to go buy a new one. But there wasn't anything perfect out there or within an appropriate price range. So they decided to remove all the lights and restring their own LED lights. We assisted in the removal of the old light strings, but refused to put the new ones on. Let's just say, the tree didn't get ornaments until Sunday after that Saturday worth of frustration!
Rowan had more fun with the stockings than anything. Note Rowan's new stocking in the upper right. Christmas things are among many items we are without by having a POD full of belongings stored away! Rather sad!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving and St. Nick...

For Thanksgiving we went to Grandma and Grandpa Knutson's house. And somehow, St. Nick managed to visit already, a bit premature, but who complains about gifts! Not Rowan. My dad was kind enough to serve his Thanksgiving meal at lunch time to accomodate me having to work at 7pm. We greatly appreciated it! We even got to take home some leftovers!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Waterfalls in the Tub...

Rowan's new favorite thing is the 'waterfall' in the tub! She loves to try to drink the water, and splash herself when putting the washcloth in the falling water as well! Super cute pictures of the clean girl! Tried to not get too many nudity shots! Sorry!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Rowan loves Baby Sawyer...

Tonight we went over to the Swan residence to visit, Casey and Jake are home from Florida, and Cheryl and Brad made an army size meal to accomodate us as well as their family. Andi and Aaron were there with Breyson and Sawyer too. This was Rowan's first encounter with a baby, so I was very surprised when she was so interested in him. She really didn't notice him until we let her hold him, then when we took him away she wanted him back. And when we would ask her to give him a kiss, she would squeeze his head, gently of course! It was very cute. We couldn't manage to get a picture of the three of the kids together, Breyson just kept trying to wrestle Rowan, maybe next time!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Rowan isn't particularly interested in television at this point in her life, but of course, here she is one night, zoned in on the tv. And of all shows, wathcing The Simpsons! Dad said it was a cartoon so it was okay! Needless to say, it didn't last long being that Rowan has her father's patience! No offense honey!

The Artist...

Last weekend, Sue and Ed stopped at Ikea for us when they were in Chicago and got a few things we wanted! One of them being this art easel. It is quite a handy thing, despite the fact that Rowan hasn't figured out how to keep the crayon on the paper. Thank goodness it has just hit the other parts of the art easel as well as her plastic table in which the crayon has come off of. We haven't explored with the chalk quite yet. We decided to just give this to her and not make her wait for christmas!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Super Cute...

Rowan was too cute yesterday in her hand me down sweater from Maya, I had to take a few pictures. And she was being quite the goofball! She loves to climb on the chairs like a jungle gym, and likes to jump onto the dogs ottoman too. She loves her doggy!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Welcome Sawyer Reid Schuett...

On Monday morning November 16th at 4:54am, Aaron and Andrea welcomed their second little boy into the world, Sawyer Reid Schuett! He was 7 pounds 7 ounces, 19 3/4 inches (I think).

Congratulations to the happy little family!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Christmas in November...

Nothing like celebrating Christmas in November...

We had our first holiday gathering in Lyndon Station with the Bremberger family over the weekend. And boy did Rowan make out! We left home friday night after dinner and headed to Grandma Pam and Grandpa Bill's house, spent the night, and had a huge lunch at Ron and Elaine's on saturday for Christmas. Ron and Elaine head to Arizona right around Christmas, so we have started celebrating early to accomodate them and to try to get more people together when it isn't too close to the actual holiday.

Rowan got many nice things! She had fun and was very well behaved. Grandma Pam and I ran to the Gap outlet and Build a Bear before heading over Saturday morning and I couldnt' resist the white furry boots. And of course, we had to wear them right away. They just happened to match her holiday dress!
Ayden and Rowan (2 years and 16 Months)
Rowan and her Build a Bear (Doggy)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

16 Months Old...

Can't believe we have a toddler on our hands. And a sassy one at that. This adorable little girl is going to give mommy and daddy a run for our money. She can be so cute, but so naughty. Lately she will scream for the heck of it, and laugh about it. She loves to run from you when she has something she shouldn't! She hates getting dressed, it is quite a battle in the morning, as well as after bath! The list goes brain is shot right now, time for bed!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Naked Girl=Happy Girl

Whenever you have an unhappy Rowan on your hands, just take off her close and she is happy as can be. Here she is shortly before bathtime, just a diaper and a smile!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cute pics from Karen...

We were at Karen and Doug's for dinner last night, and I surprisingly forgot my camera, but Karen managed to get a few cute ones with her camera. This is actually a self portrait of Rowan and I. She looks like such a little toddler!

Like brother and sister...

Today we went to Mukwonago to visit Andi and Breyson, because Andi is due in a week and a half with her next little boy, so we wanted to get another playdate in before the baby came. It is quite comical to watch Rowan and Breyson play now, they get along well, though it gets a bit rough at times. We have to make sure there is no biting, or wrestling going on! And a photo of them sitting and smiling together is far and few between. Can't believe the next picure of them together will involve little Sawyer as well!

New Place to sit...

In the last month, Rowan has been pushing her limits by standing on the fireplace hearth, which is a no-no! We don't need any cracked skulls no that concrete, so we have allowed her to sit on the hearth only. And she is obviously more interested in it when the fireplace is on, so we decided to make it her 'cheese' spot. Notice her new cheesy smile! Such a goof ball!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat...

Halloween 2009....was Rowan's first trick or treating experience! And quite honestly she did great. I was concerned that she wouldn't keep her head piece on, and that she would get overheated, but with WI weather, that wasn't an issue.

In total, we made about 6 or 7 stops, via car of course. We started at Grandma and Grandpa Knutson's, stopped at Kurt and CJ's, Karen and Doug's, Cheryl and Brad's (they weren't home!), Menards (Aunt Amanda was working), neighbor Gail's (to see Maison too), and then back home to Nana's! Rowan was quite the trooper since she kept having to get in and out of her carseat, which she hates, taking the head piece on and off when we were inside and outside, through dinner time, you name it, all the odds were against her, but she was a good girl. We needed to keep her up a bit later with daylight savings time anyways, so it was a success!

Not to mention, she got more than candy at a few places, so she was spoiled as ever again!

Thanks to Nana for making such a wonderful costume that we got several comments on!