Friday, September 28, 2007

Da Brewers...

Ed and I attended our last game together this season at Miller Park. We were in attendance to watch the Brewers lose to the Padres last night (Thursday September 27th). Ed got to use his grill for tailgating, probably for the last time this year. Brats were on the menu for us last night. We had pretty good seats as well, better when there were less fans around to obstruct our view, but 6th row in section 125 was pretty cool. I am lucky enough to be able to attend the last game this season this sunday with the fam. Hopefully this time they will win!!

Go Brewers.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

All Clean...

Gizmo had his monthly trip to the groomer, we hope this time went better than last time. Last time he was groomed we thought he was allergic to the soap or something because he started his itching issues. Turned out to be seasonal allergies. So this time we should have no issues other than smelling real nice and having some shorter toe hair. Here he is...had to get the picture taken before Ed gets home, he hates those girly bandanas. I think he is cute.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Party Weekend...

So it has been several days since we have had something exciting to talk about. But we had quite the weekend full of busy days this last weekend. Started out friday night with house guests. Blayne, Molly, Kieran, Dusty and Julie stayed with us in preparation for Sue's Surprise, but not so surprised, party. Ed and I had pretty much done everything that needed to be done, so we pretty much just hung out and ate pizza, courtesy of Dusty and Julie from Chicago. Tasty!! Spoiled the nephew and watched a movie. Also played on the computer trying to put together Sue's birthday gift (digital picture frame), was quite the tedious task.

Saturday morning we were all up fairly early to put together last minute things for the party as well. Then it was off to Sue and Ed's to decorate and get food out and ready. After many balloons filled with helium and a few tables worth of appetizers and snacks, we were ready for guests to arrive. We had a great turn out, many family members, friends and co-workers came to celebrate Sue turning 50.

Turns out the party wasn't as much of a surprise as we thought. I told everyone that she would see the invite at Grandpa Dick's house, guess I shouldn't have sent the invite and just called him, oh well. I guess it is the thought that counts. After many rounds of lawn games, mingling, eating, and appropriate 50th gifts the party came to an end. I don't think we even ran out of beer, surprisingly.

Mrs. Sally Hummel got Sue prepared for the years ahead with a care package of womanly needs. Pictures attached.

Sunday in our household was full of relaxation, Packer game (with a victory), and preparing for work for myself that night. Ed caught up on some homework as we headed into the last week of September, where has the month gone, summer is over.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Another Gizmo update...

So since our last weekend was another couple days worth of working, the only thing I could come up with to share is about Gizmo.

Today I finally got out to buy a choke collar like one his cousin Peaches uses for walking. When we were up visiting over Labor Day weekend, Molly and I took the dogs and Kieran for a walk and Gizmo was terrible compared to Peaches. Molly recommended we try what they use, so today I stopped at Petco and picked one up. And I just got back from taking Giz for a walk, it was amazing. For the first time I didn't get home and feel like my hand was going to fall off from having the leash wrapped so tight around my hand because Gizmo was pulling so much. In the beginning he did a little scratching after I would have to pull on the collar, but he didn't pull at all. And also like Peaches, when you stop walking he is starting to sit also. It was well worth the money, not that it was a real expensive purchase, but almost 20$. And it seemed to work, which is all that matters. Gizmo was more than happy to have it taken off though when we got home. The better he does with walking the more I will be willing to take him. So we are on the right path. Although his diet has been working. When he went to the vet in June for his yearly checkup he was 45 pounds and I was told that was overweight. When we went last week for his 'allergies' he was 41 pounds. So we are on the right track.
Keep watching for Gizmo's annual halloween costume pictures. I bought the costume but thought I would wait until a little bit closer to Halloween to post the pictures. This is a good one!! I know he is spoiled, but he is my little boy... That is all for now.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Well, Gizmo went to the veterinarian today and they seem to think he has allergies. BUT..... my motherly instincts seems to think they cut him when they groomed him last monday and that is why he was licking his one paw so much. Well he licked the paw enough to irritate it so that i made this vet appointment. The 'scab' he had on his snout has gone away so who knows what that was, vet thought a tumor of some sort that was very common but thank god it went away, saved us a few bucks on having it removed. But anyways, we got some Benadryl for a week and some fish oil that is supposedly an antiinflammatory to help with his 'allergies'. And we will see what happens. He didn't flinch as much when the vet touched his right paw as he did over the weekend, but hopefully it will all be fine. Wasn't a cheap vet visit though, as usual. But he is doing fine for those of you who were concerned.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Travellin' the Midwest...

We had a busy holiday weekend and a few days before too. We found ourselves travelling again, we definitely donated much money to the gas tank this month, but the trips were all well worth it.

The week started last Tuesday August 28th when we headed down to Chicago for the Brewers vs. Cubs game, my first time at Wrigley. We left around noon and arrived at Dusty's place about 2 pm. Dusty and Julie were working so we just hung out at Dusty's place until he got home. Had a couple of beverages and then jumped on a bus to head towards Wrigley Field to meet up with Julie. Did I mention that it was about 90 degrees out this day. So it was a warm walk and bus ride. We ended up getting off of the bus before our destination because the way traffic was we could walk faster than the bus was getting us there. We had very nice seats, behind home plate a bit towards the first base line. Was a good game. The Brewers were winning the first half of the game, then it all went down hill, and we ended up losing. This made Ed nervous about wearing his Brewers jersey in public in Chicago. But we were fine, no heckling that was too unbearable. After the game we went to a bar right outside of Wrigley, turns out to be the bar that Dusty and Julie met at. Had a few more beverages, then took a taxi home to Dusty's where we spent the night. Dusty and Julie had to work the next morning like normal people so it was an early night for the most part. I had mentioned in a previous entry the view that Dusty has from his new condo, here are a few pictures to prove it:

We worked the next few days, then packed up the truck again to head up to Minnesota to meet our new nephew, Kieran, and visit Blayne, Molly, and Peaches. We hit the road Friday morning right when I got home from work. We made a stop in Lyndon Station along the way by my mom and Bill's house and let Gizmo run around a bit and have a small bite to eat, and gas up the truck. Then back on the road. We arrived in Spring Lake Park at about 230 pm. At the door to greet us was a wide eyed Kieran, Molly and Peaches. Molly had waken him up, fed him and had him all ready to be spoiled by his Favorite Aunt and Uncle. We hung out a while until Blayne got home, then they made us some dinner and we really just relaxed and spoiled Kieran.

Saturday morning, Blayne and Ed had a tee time bright and early, Molly and I slept it. Kieran was a good boy and slept 7 hours for Molly, ate again and napped a bit more. So we had a good day. Us ladies showered and took our time, then met the boys out for lunch at Chipotle, was another first for me, but Ed loved it the last time he had it in MN with Blayne. It was good,
nothing I would eat every day like Ed would if we had one near. Then the boys took Kieran and went home to watch football while Molly and I hit the mall. Did some shopping for Kieran, it's much more fun buying for babies then ourselves, I might be in trouble when I have one of my own. Oh well, we'll worry about that when the time comes, in the mean time I am having fun spoiling Kieran. After shopping we went home and had some dinner, courtesy of Blayne and Molly again, watched a movie, then off to bed.

Gizmo and Peaches had a wild weekend together. You never would have guessed that Gizmo has been fixed since we got him at 8 weeks old because he was trying to have his way with Peaches a bit more than we would have liked. But they get along great, Peach just moves her butt and he is knocked over, she might have a size advantage. Gizmo did something to his paw, he was groomed last week and we think he might have gotten cut or something because he wouldn't stop licking and biting at his paw, enough that the skin was raw so we wrapped it up in a sock and taped it so he would leave it alone. He wasn't too happy with us. He acted like it was a cast, he limped around with it. Poor guy. He was exhausted after his weekend with Peaches though.

Sunday we had a small breakfast, then showered up and headed out for lunch again, never guess where, Chipotle. Ran another errand or two and then headed back to pack up the truck and head towards home. We decided to stop and stay the night in Lyndon Station with my Mom and Bill because with as busy as our summer has been we didn't make it up to the dells all summer. So we had dinner with them and watched a movie Sunday night, got up this morning and went out for breakfast and then headed home. We were on the road about 11am today, and traffic was terrible, we thought we would beat the traffic and boy were we wrong. But we made it home fine, and are settling back in.

I guess it is back to reality tomorrow, Ed starts Fall Semester, full time, 18 credits. And I head back to work. We wish we could have stayed in MN with Kieran, we sure did enjoy that little boy in our arms. We don't know when we will see him next, but he will get big really fast. Blayne and Molly have done a great job with him. Congratulations!
Can you tell Gizmo had an exhausting weekend! This was the ride home today.