Tuesday, February 20, 2024

It's February

Science fun with a 3D cell project for Eddie. 
Tree down in Hwy C means no power for our side of the street, bring on Delafield brewhaus for dinner. 
Sara K. sighing - Rowan and teammates joined for the celebration.
MJA game with the 2011's, can never have enough popcorn. 
Senior night, lots of fans for youth night, and even Grandma Pam got to see both kids play in February. 
I volunteered and helped sell suckers and chuck a puck. 
Truck decided the battery had had enough, a day trip to Madison, lost in Sectionals at USM, but a great way to end season after a Fondy win. 

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

January recap

January came and went so fast, lots of hockey and memories. 
Papa made the trip to Fondy for a regional game, that the Varsity team won big. 
We aslo had some home games with friendly fans. 
We got some snow, lots of snow. 
Rowan and I got to hit up Cane's on a ride to IL. 
And Row continues to love her line that's killing it...and Pax too. 
I successfully grew a Christmas cactus...barely. Eddie got in some ice time too, and a favorite fan photo. 
Senior night and some more friends came to watch. 
Bring on February. 

Sunday, December 31, 2023

that's a wrap

This is what NYE looks like when you are 40, sickness and loving nights home - especially when they are few and far between. 

Oh and Ed's favorite human is Piper. 
Let's go Packers. 
And Red Wings. 
Nothing like a few germs and some phlegm. 
Bring on a healthy 2024. 

Saturday, December 30, 2023

The Holidays

Christmas Eve - 
Better late than never, we finally got our Annual Gingerbread competition in just in time!
Rowan vs Eddie this year. (Eddie with a W). 
Then we were off to the Swan house, for a quick visit with the Hanson side of the family. 
Then it was off for family time at Grandma and Grandpa's house for the majority of the day. 
We spent Christmas Day at home - was a lazy fun day. Through the rest of the month we had Grandma Pam and Grandpa Bill over to celebrate for a few hours. And also were able to spread some cheer with Karen and Doug as well. Everyone was spoiled as usual. 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

never enough hockey

Why not catch a boys HS game when we have a night off over Winter break??

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Chippewa and dinner

Off to Chippewa falls for an overnight trip. 
Quick game, followed by late night hotel pizza - some FortNite, then another am game. 
Ed and I ran between periods to get a quick sandwich at Ray's (at Coach Sorky's demand)
Then we headed home to meet the family at the 5 O'clock club for a quick birthday dinner with Luke. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

games all around

Eddie had games at home over the weekend, complete with some family visitors - sadly a loss. 
Followed by Rowan at home a few days later. Before we hit the road again next weekend
Piper is ready for Christmas!!